Ordained Media Ministry
Ordained Media Ministry
My name is Jennifer Zelop and I am involved in an ordained media ministry. It was the end of a marriage and finding myself as a single mom of my two amazing boys Will and Sean when I realized I was living a life that was more about surviving versus thriving. I longed for many things. I wanted to set bigger than life goals and reach them. I wanted to look at myself every day in the mirror and truly love me. I wanted to feel a love with another person that hit the depths of my soul. I wanted to give back to the people of this world. I wanted to help others reach their goals. I wanted to be a great mom. I wanted to be a mentor, a role model, and a leader. The list was endless.
It took life experiences, lots of growth and development, meditation, mentoring, education, faith, and a physical, emotional and spiritual transformation. I can honestly say from the depths of my soul that I am thriving! At the head of my transformation is our Lord, Jesus Christ. It is through Him that all things in my life are possible. This transformation led to an even more life-changing decision in December 2015. I surrendered to Jesus and made the declaration to be His servant. Ever since I have been on an amazing journey with and through Him. I am becoming the person He wants me to be and that has led me to my call to ministry. It was a dream through God that led me here to the Christian Leaders Institute.
There is still much more to be written and I am excited to fill in the pages as my journey into ministry is just beginning. I am excited to be here among other leaders who are dedicated to spreading the word of Jesus with others. I know He has created profound change in my life and I wish this for others around the world. In the meantime, while I study, I live in New York with my two sons, Will and Sean.
I’m so glad to have this opportunity to go back and read my first submission about what led me to CLI. Much has changed! God called me to create an ordained media ministry. Probably my most exciting news to share is the love, joy, and fulfillment I now feel in my life since embarking on this journey. God blesses me daily and I’m always in anticipation and excitement for what’s next. My focus besides family is my school and laying the foundation of the ordained media ministry. I know God is behind me all the way, closing and opening doors for me. The training at CLI is top rate and it wouldn’t be possible for me if not for the way the fees are structured. CLI is changing the world!
Every day I ask God that I continue to fulfill His will for my life. I lovingly ask you too to pray this prayer for me. I truly want God’s will to be done in my life and it humbles and excites me to say that out loud.
Learn more about ecuministry ordination at Christian Leaders Alliance.