
First Name
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

A passion is to share the Lord and raise up revival leaders in Pennsylvania to share the gospel and bring more to know Jesus Christ.

Ministry Journey

Even though I grew up in the inner city, lived through all the social issues of the 70’s, pain of losing moms when I was a child, and all the bad choices I made as a child, teenager, and young adult, I still had a praise and love of God inside of me.

I felt as though the Spirit of God would never leave me alone. In my good days and bad days, the Spirit of God kept me. In the back of my mind growing up I sense this but now, I know it was the grace of God that kept me and help make it this far. Even though my life was a mess, God gave me His best my sweet LORD and Savior Jesus Christ and growing up I would repent and turn to the LORD in times of trouble, but now, I have dedicated my whole life to God. I have been serving God in leadership ministry for over 12 years. From being ordained as a Deacon, in 2007 to licensed minister in 2016.

In my later years as a Deacon, my wife suggested I try a local bible school. But as I said, I didn’t think I was much on education and besides I attended bible studies in the church I read the bible. I know what it says. As you can see it took some convincing from my wife and her joining me, I finally said ok. We attended a local well-known school called “Harty Bible School” for four years. Upon graduating from Harty Bible School with the help of my wife, my craving for a closer walk with God just increased. I looked into other schools of higher learning, but they were way out of my price range. At this stage in my life, I felt discouraged but as the Spirit of God always shows up in my life, He did it again. With a nudge from the Spirit of God, I took to the internet, thinking, maybe there is online training. And by the grace of God, I found CLI. Thank you, LORD, thank you, Lord. Since 2016 I’ve been blessed by the awesome training at CLI. From getting started, Christian leaders’ connections, ministry 101, old and new testament survey, Pastoral care and marriage, church history, hermeneutics and exegesis, peace smart relationships 101, Christian apologetics, women’s ministry, theology 1 and 2, licensed wedding officiant, associate minister ordination, along with a host of other training. By the grace of God and His leadership, I have a total of 91 credit hours and a GPA of 3.22. that’s amazing for me, I guy who never thought he could ever learn much. CLI is such a God sent in my life. And the instructors are knowledgeable and easy to understand. I love CLI and everyone involved. I’m a vision partner now and plan to increase my giving as God continues to bless me. I am all in at CLI and the revolution of free biblical training.


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