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Ordination Testimony from Virginia
Hi! My name is Linda Lentner.
I live in the beautiful mountains of Virginia, in the United States. I am married to Allan and we have two adult sons. No grandchildren yet—only grand-puppies! I am a retired CPC (Certified Professional Coder) in the medical field and, most importantly, a healed child of God. Today, I am an Ordained Minister, Licensed Chaplain, Licensed and Certified Life Coaching Minister, and a Licensed Christian & Wedding Officiant with the Christian Leaders Alliance. My specializations include Senior Care, Marriage, Intimacy, All Abilities, and Matchmaking.
I truly believe you can only share what you’ve been given. I share my hope in the transformational power of God to change lives and situations for His glory and for the good of those who trust Him—because He has done that for me.
Message of Hope
My stories may seem sad to some, but I have come to see them as avenues for God’s use. There are so many, I could probably write a book! But now, they are messages of hope—testimonies of Jesus’ healing power for the brokenhearted and captives of the world.
When I realized what God could do with all of our stories, I began to see my past through a different light. If we surrender our lives to Him, God will transform them in ways that honor Him. We will have a message to carry to those in need. It brings joy to my soul to know that my experiences have value for building His kingdom. Yours can, too.
Should I ever need to take off my Life Coaching hat to do teaching, counseling, or discipleship, I will gladly share a story or two.
Hope Fulfilled
As a child, I was bullied for my looks, poverty, and fearful nature. I also endured sexual abuse, which devastated my self-esteem. I grew up more reclusive than outgoing, surrounded by dysfunction on both sides of my family.
I was first exposed to Jesus through a high school friend who invited me to church. Though I attended frequently, I didn’t truly surrender to Christ. When I was 19, the weight of my sin overwhelmed me. I broke down in front of my couch, weeping over my misery and lack of peace. It was the 70s, and I had just returned from college after some personal failures. I repented, asking Jesus to come into my life and change me. That moment became my own Jesus Revolution,and I have never regretted it.
At 21, I received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. Today, as an Ordained Deacon Minister, I see this role as a stepping stone toward further education. My husband and I have started Hope in the Shadows Ministries at our local church. Together, we continue learning and adding specializations in Life Coaching and Chaplaincy.
Forgiveness, Healing, and Hope
Jesus has walked me through countless challenges. He has taken what was meant to harm me and turned it into something good. Through Him, I have found healing, forgiven those who hurt me in childhood, and made amends for my own past mistakes. His forgiveness has always been there, waiting for me to reach out.
Forgiveness is the key to healing—both giving and receiving it. Because of Jesus, I know that His love conquers all.
Family Hope
Before I was five, my brother and I were taken from our mother’s care. My parents divorced when I was around two, before my brother’s birth. My father, a mentally ill war veteran, was institutionalized for years. My grandmother, a widow of a street preacher, eventually became our guardian.
Though my grandmother couldn’t read, write, or drive, she loved and cared for us deeply. Her sacrifices shaped the warmest parts of my childhood. She saved for my first Barbie doll and prayed over us at night. Despite the dysfunction around us, she was a blessing.
Later, I reconciled with my mother, spending many meaningful hours with her before she passed. I also cared for my father as his guardian, witnessing him give his heart to Jesus before his death. It’s just like Jesus to bring love, forgiveness, and reconciliation into every story.
Hope in the Midst of Change
My life with Jesus has been a journey of learning and transformation. Through every stage, He has taught me valuable lessons, forgiven my failures, and opened doors I could never have imagined.
I’ve been in ministry in various forms throughout my life, even serving as a Licensed Staff Minister for a season. But only recently have I truly understood what ministry looks like through His eyes. Compassion, empathy, and persistence are gifts He has developed in me. Watching Him transform lives is one of my greatest joys.
Ministry Hope
I felt called to start a new ministry at my church. Everyone needs hope, especially during hard times. As I searched for direction, Christian Leaders Institute (CLI) appeared in front of me. It provided everything I needed to take the next step in my ministry journey.
Through CLA, I pursued Life Coaching, drawn to the Soul Center concept and Chaplaincy training. Now, I am an Ordained Deacon Minister, Licensed Chaplain, Licensed and Certified Life Coaching Minister, and Licensed Christian & Wedding Officiant.
My plan is to continue my education, add more specializations, and remain open to wherever God leads next. Thanks to CLI, my spiritual dreams are becoming a reality.
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding.” – Proverbs 3:5