Mentor Ministers

Mentor ministers are ordained through the Christian Leaders Alliance. These Mentor Ministers have expressed their willingness to mentor Christian Leaders Institute students and graduates in their ministry training. If someone needs to be ordained, these Mentors will assist if needed.  Each Mentor Minister has gone through the ordination process with Christian Leaders Alliance. This directory is growing and reaching more places.

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Christian Leaders Alliance of Kansas City, Missouri –  Nathan Vierra
First Name
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

I have a passion to mentor and lead others to Christ!

Ministry Journey

My name is Nathan Vierra. I was born into a lower-middle class family in 1975 as the second of four children. My parents were young and inexperienced in life, but they did the best that they could. I am grateful that I still have both of them, and they are still happily married.

My early childhood years were spent in church, where I first had an encounter with the Lord. I’ll never forget the first time I felt His nearness. I was ten or eleven years old. It was around that time that I had first said a prayer surrendering my life to Him, but honestly, that surrender was short lived. When I was twelve years old, my family moved out of Oakland, CA, and subsequently out of church. From that time and for the duration of my childhood, my family never went back to church.

Throughout my childhood and into my young adult years, I had an awareness of Jesus, but more often than not, I ignored him. I enlisted in the United States Navy at 20 years old and found myself stationed in a small southern coastal Texas town. There, I met the guy who would get me back into church, a solid group of Christian friends, and later, my wife.

I joined First Baptist Church, Ingleside, TX and befriended the pastor, who became my first mentor.

This was when I began to seek God, seek forgiveness, and seek a relationship with Him. His grace met my faith, and He began to change me.

I met Melissa in the summer of 1997 and we were married in January 1998. The following year, our son was born, my military obligation ended, and we moved to Lexington, KY. There, we would end up living for 14 years, having a daughter, and having a shake-up that would cause us to redefine who we were spiritually.

God really began to get my attention in 2006. He began requiring me to grow up and become more than who I was. This was where I really began to understand grace; His ability to accomplish what we cannot accomplish in our own strength. My understanding began to explode, and with that, the accountability came with it. In what turned out to be a six year process, I moved my family to Kansas City, MO, where we currently live and serve in our church.

As I write this, Melissa and I have been married 22 years, our 21 year old son, Zion, is married, and our daughter Natali will be graduating high school in a few weeks.

God has been the absolute center of our lives for several years now, and He’s blessed us incredibly. We’ve gained much understanding regarding the kingdom of God and our (humanity’s) role in it. We serve in several areas in the body of Christ, from mentoring & parenting, to serving (or have served) in nearly every aspect of church services. I have traveled some in ministry and I am excited to walk out my future in serving the King of Kings and the people of His kingdom.

I am grateful for CLI and the programs that they offer. I have been ordained through Christian Leaders Alliance as a deacon servant leader, and I am currently taking classes with the intent to earn an associates degree (and later a bachelor's degree) in ministry.

Christopher Lafavor
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

To help those who are down and out to be renewed! To help raise up more leaders.

Ministry Journey

Christopher Lafavor was raised in the church. Ever since he was young He knew that God had called me to be a preacher.

Christopher is engaged to marry the woman of his dreams. She is sold out for God and will be a wonderful compliment in ministry.

Christopher started Christian Leaders Institute in 2017. He has been ordained and is willing to help other become ordained.

Clayton Moore
Last Name
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

Reach his community for Christ, especially those who are not connected to any church

Ministry Journey

Clayton Moore has been married for over 30 years. He and his wife have five children. Now they have grandchildren too.

Clayton Moore was raised in a local Lutheran Church. In adulthood, He and his family left the church scene, but God did not leave him and his family. In 2009, he lost his job after his company merged with another one. This event changed his schedule and he started to renew his connections to Christ.

The Holy Spirit began to convict him to reconnect with God. He began to study the Bible. Clayton sensed the call to reach others including his family.

This led Clayton to begin studying at Christian Leaders Institute in 2016. He is close to completing his Bachelor Degree. He has been ordained.

Clayton is willing to mentor any Christian Leaders Institute student or graduate in their journey of ministry training or ordination with the Christian Leaders Alliance.

Craig Smith
Last Name
Ministry Dream

To raise up more Christian Leaders for North Carolina revival.

Ministry Journey

Anthony Craig Smith, who goes by his middle name, "Craig." Craig is married and has two children, who they homeschool. He was raised in a Christian home and spent most of his education in a Christian school. He was saved in the third grade.

Craig called to home disciple his family with his wife. Craig started Christian Leaders Institute in 2016 and was ordained 2017. He is willing to mentor new CLI students and assist them through the ordination process.

Dale Hood
Last Name
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

To raise up revival leaders in Alabama!

Ministry Journey

Dale Hood has a daughter Natasha, and a grandson named Jack. He is the men's director of the Men's Lifehouse Ministries. The Lifehouse is a drug and alcohol recovery and discipleship program.

Dale became a believer earlier in Life and sensed the call to ministry. Dale started Christian Leaders Institute in 2015 and became ordained in 2018. Dale is willing to mentor CLI students and graduates and help them get ordained in the Christian Leaders Alliance.

Dale Mcghee
Last Name
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

He desires to bring showers of blessing to everone he comes in contact with.

Ministry Journey

Dale's wife was very sick. After spending much of their income, Dale was angry with God. Dale recalls how the Holy Spirit told him to read Proverbs. When he did, he came upon Proverbs 3:5, "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding."

The Lord healed his wife. Now Dale is an ambassador of healing in his community.

Dale started Christian Leaders Institute in 2017. He see this ministry training as a key for his Christian leadership. Dale is ordained as a deacon minister and is willing to mentor other leaders in his area.

Dale Parker
Last Name
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

To help train and support Christian Leaders in his area!

Ministry Journey

Dale Parker is from White River Junction Vermont. He is 61 years old, he was widowed at the end of 2016.

Growing up his family always had a strong faith. His grandfather founded a church, his uncle a church planter, there has been a long line of church builders in his family history. His father went home to the Lord when I was a teenager. The minister of one of his dads relatives came to his house to try and explain Jesus to him. Dale knew more about the Lord than the Pastor did. Dale turned away from religion at about 18 years old.

He still had a strong faith and studied on his own returning to bible studies in my late 20's, At that time a good friend was having home bible studies. Finding the saving grace of God was such an effervescent feeling he knew the way to go. Soon his studies took me beyond what he was teaching.

In the area he lives there are many churches, and non christian religions. Most fall short of knowing and teaching the word of God.

CLI will help him fulfill the dreams of helping to save more of Gods children. With a house church ministry, and with Gods help, pastor of a church. He is now leading prayer meetings, and bible studies. When he was ordained with CLI as a Officiant Minister in 2018 his local church has asked him to assist, leading the congregation when the senior pastor is away.

Dana Rioux
Last Name
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

To share the Gospel of Christ and be God's faithful leader! Also, support and mentor other CLI students!

Ministry Journey

Dana Rioux have always been a Christian, born in a small USA town to a French Catholic family and attended parochial school taught by Franciscan sisters until grade 8. He became an altar boy during those years and received religious instruction from the sisters until I entered high school.

He lived in a strict family environment where they recited the rosary every night as a family. Completed a bachelor's degree in Teacher Education with a specialization in French. After some years of teaching, he returned to college and earned a master's degree in the Teaching of French (M.A.T.) His wife Jean and him were married in a Methodist Church and have no children.

He is currently a Deacon for the Washburn Church in Sherman, Maine and has been providing worship services for the past four months. CLI training is important to Dana and he hopes that this pathway will provide the background that will enable me to continue to do so. His church no longer has a minister and the congregation has asked him to continue as its spiritual leader.

Dana Rioux feels privileged to be able to serve God in this way and hope that this new endeavor will enhance his knowledge of the Holy Scriptures and will enable him to deliver to others, as God calls him to do.

Daniel Jagessar
Last Name
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

To raise up Christian Leaders in my region.

Ministry Journey

Daniel Jagessar was born on the island of New Providence in the Bahamas. Daniel has completed his Bachelor's of Science Degree in Physics & Engineering concentrating in Pre-Engineering.

Daniel has been walking with the Lord for many years. He is called to bi-vocation ministry. Daniel started Christian Leaders Institute in 2017 and was ordained in 2018. He is willing and ready to mentor Christian Leaders Institue student and help them through the ordination process at Christian Leaders Alliance.

Daniel Lumpkin
Last Name
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

To begin setting up ministry opportunities to witness, mentor and minister to others.

Ministry Journey

Daniel Lumpkin is 51 years old with an extreme desire to impact the body of Christ. He is recently married! He first received salvation in his early 30's. Hd wavered a bit in his faith but always believed in the Lord Jesus Christ. In his past he has had challenges with substance abuse but by God's Grace he has been delivered and set free.

He is also a Certified Drug and Alcohol Counselor and currently working in the Red Clay School District in Wilmington Delaware.

He currently offers ministry opportunities at his local church to minister on midweek services, which affords him the experience of preaching, teaching and expounding on the word of God.

The free ministry training and Deacon ordination has allowed for him to pay for my original higher learning education, which if it were not for this free opportunity, having this training experience would not have been possible. He is so thankful for CLI and those who support CLI.

His goal is to begin writing a book on God’s Grace in his life. Then to utilize that as a platform to obtain other opportunities to minister abroad, while continuing to obtain further training at CLI.


These Mentor Ministers have been nominated by other ministers as a CLI ordained graduate who will be a resource for other Christian Leaders. Mentor Ministers are added through a nomination and interview process. Mentor Ministers may be removed for various reasons, such as the “Mentor Minister” is now too busy. Other reasons may also play a part.

Mentor Ministers have agreed to the doctrinal statement of Christian Leaders Institute when they enrolled at Christian Leaders Institute.