Ministry Dream To begin setting up ministry opportunities to witness, mentor and minister to others.
Ministry Journey Daniel Lumpkin is 51 years old with an extreme desire to impact the body of Christ. He is recently married! He first received salvation in his early 30's. Hd wavered a bit in his faith but always believed in the Lord Jesus Christ. In his past he has had challenges with substance abuse but by God's Grace he has been delivered and set free.
He is also a Certified Drug and Alcohol Counselor and currently working in the Red Clay School District in Wilmington Delaware.
He currently offers ministry opportunities at his local church to minister on midweek services, which affords him the experience of preaching, teaching and expounding on the word of God.
The free ministry training and Deacon ordination has allowed for him to pay for my original higher learning education, which if it were not for this free opportunity, having this training experience would not have been possible. He is so thankful for CLI and those who support CLI.
His goal is to begin writing a book on God’s Grace in his life. Then to utilize that as a platform to obtain other opportunities to minister abroad, while continuing to obtain further training at CLI.