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Bernardo Caballero
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

Bernardo's dream is to reach others for Christ. He desires to bring revival to his community.

Ministry Journey

Bernardo D. Caballero was born in 1968 on Colon, Matanzas, Cuba. He did not come from a Christian family. His parents, however never denied the existence of God. He grew up having faith in supernatural beings, and the wrong ones at that. Their family believed in the syncretism of African religion and Catholic influence which started with the slave trade during the Spanish colonization.

From childhood He was involved in rituals and the offering to unknown deities, mainly out of fear. He never felt peace or truth in that! In communist countries governments forbid the worship of Almighty God. He grew under the atheistic philosophies Karl Marx, Frederick Engel and Vladimir Lenin. He was taught that materialism was the only true.

Bernardo I escape Cuba on 1994 in a raft, was capture in Key West coast and was sent to Guantanamo Bay refugee camp, in Cuba. He spent almost a year at the camp. In July of 1995 He was sent to the continental United States.

In his first years, Bernardo pursued the American Dream, but not God. But he was saved into a relationship with Jesus Christ in 2005. Then he was called into ministry.

Bernardo has been encouraged over the years by many Christian leaders to study and pursue the pastoral ministry. He had been hesitant knowing the responsibility and demand that God places on those who teach and lead. For many years, economics and family accountability have been his main reason for not pursuing a ministerial vocation. He and his wife have three children. He saw no possibility of being able to go to a seminary and prepare. The Lord opened the door for Christian Leaders Institute.

Bernardo has completed the courses to now be ordained as a commissioned minister. He is senior pastor of his church and is willing to help other become ordained with the Christian Leaders Alliance.
