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Dean Wallace
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Type of Minister
Ministry Journey

“ Called to Chaplaincy”

Chaplain, Colonel Dean Wallace,  was often referred to as the miracle child.  When Dean was born on the 8th of April 1978, doctor’s told his mother and father he wouldn’t make it.  Dean had been born with blood on the brain, which would require surgical intervention.  Colonel Dean Wallace survived the surgery and healed within weeks.  This was truly a miracle performed by the hands of GOD.  I remember my mom telling me this story as if it was yesterday.  It still amazes me today the works of GOD.  Dean grew up in the home of his grandparents whom were both Christians and belonged to the United Methodist Church.  For 19 years Dean attended the United Methodist Church with his grandparents.  During Dean’s teen years he discovered that he had some other underlying health issues one being Barretts Esophagus and the other being Ulcerative Colitis, these conditions weren’t discovered until Dean’s high school years, when Dean fell ill one day while in class.  The school called his grandmother to come get him that he wasn’t feeling well.  Dean’s grandmother took him to his primary care provided who then sent him to a gastroenterologist specialist for further evaluation of the esophagus. Upon further evaluation the specialist determined Dean needed a endoscopy and colonoscopy to diagnose the conditions.  Dean underwent the procedures and was diagnosed with Barretts Esophagus and Ulcerative Colitis both of which are pre-cancerous.  For almost 45 years now Dean has lived with these medical conditions, he’s had surgery to eliminate the reflux but still suffered with Barretts Esophagus, his Ulcerative Colitis is now in remission.  Doctor’s have told Dean, you have more wrong with you than what you think you do.  Dean always just smiles and laughs, then says to them my medical conditions do not define my life, only God can define my life.  Dean has always been positive about his medical conditions, after all if GOD can heal a bleeding brain, he can surely heal these conditions as well.  Colonel Dean Wallace today is the Head Chaplain of the Commemorative Air Force Buckeye Wing in Ohio.  Dean had previously served with the United States Air Force Auxiliary for 12 years and as of the 19th of January 2023, he was honorably discharged.   Dean had also served a few years with the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary as well.  Dean loves helping others and loved serving his country while helping others in disaster situations.  Dean has went through some hard times in his life especially from 2011 to 2014 when he lost his job after the company went bankrupt.  During those three years Dean suffered tremendously.  Dean knew however the lord would pull him through and he cringed to the father and his holy name for the sake of his survival.  He prayed without ceasing that GOD would give his a signal as to what he wanted him to do and where he wanted him to go.  In May of 2014, GOD sent Dean to Myrtle Beach, SC.  Colonel Dean Wallace was to go their and find work and find a place to live.  Dean wasn’t to return to his home town except to sale out rent the current home.  God had commanded Dean to start a new life.  Dean went and he did find work as a security officer at a nearby condo and as a first responder in the fire department.  Dean also found a condo to live in during his four years he spent in South Carolina.  After 4 years in 2018, God had another plan for Dean, this time he would send Dean to Ohio.  Dean was sent to Ohio for surgery of his esophagus a surgery never performed before by the Cleveland Clinic, the surgery was successful and Dean’s esophagus began to heal.  In 2020 Dean heard the voice of the Holy Spirit, a voice that was calling his to ministry.  Dean, though why me lord.  Dean didn’t understand why the lord was calling him to ministry, however he knew he had to obey the lords command to serve him.  Dean prayed that the lord would guide him to find the training he needed to fulfill the lords calling for him to ministry.  In June of 2022, Dean underwent knee surgery with complications, during this time Dean began to get even closer to the lord and started reading the Bible more and doing daily devotionals.  Then in July of 2022, Dean’s prayers were answered, he found Christian Leaders Institute and began his ministry and chaplaincy training.  Today, Chaplain Dean Wallace is the Head Chaplain and a Commissioned Officer of the Commemorative Air Force in the Grade of Colonel.   Chaplain Dean Wallace, is an Ordained Associate Chaplain Minister by the Christian Leaders Alliance and is currently studying to become a Life Coach Minister and a Commissioned  Pastoral Chaplain.  Dean’s, long term goal is to receive his bachelor’s degree in chaplaincy and to become an ordained commissioned chaplain.

Deborah Davis
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Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

To serve, mentor and care for others as a Christian Leader!

Ministry Journey

Deborah Davis is an ordained officiant minister with CLI. As an ordained officiant, she will be able to perform religious ceremonies, and ordinances of the church such as communions, baptisms, and weddings.

As an ordained minister she is qualified to serve as the leader of a church ministry.

She has a passion to serve the community and church!

This free ministry training is preparing her for the role of a minister. Without this free training, she would not have the knowledge she has gained. She does not know of anywhere else one can receive free, quality, ministry training.

Last Name
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

To raise up more Christian Leaders for revival!

Ministry Journey

Debra Hendricks lives in a small town. She and her husband commit time daily to the study of God's word and seek to be a blessing to those around them through prayer, giving and lending a helping hand.

Debra gave her life to Christ at the age of 12. She has grown over the years as a committed follower of Christ. She has experienced the call to ministry.

Debra began Christian Leaders Institute in 2014. She was ordained in 2018. She is willing to mentor CLI students in their ministry training and assist them through the ordination process at Christian Leaders Institute.

Dee Taylor
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Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

Dee is called to serve those in need of God's grace and to raise up Christian Leaders bring revival to our land.

Ministry Journey

My name is Davenia "Dee” Davenport, age 61, I am divorced, with three daughters, two granddaughters, and a grandson on the way. My family (Mother & Father) moved to Atlanta in 1980. Due to my father being sick with breathing and lung problems. The Lord granted my father 34 more years of life.

My mother was the first person to receive salvation in the family. I got saved in 1976 while looking at the PTL club. I was 17 years old. A few months later my mother prayed for me to receive the Holy Spirit. However, at that time I was struggling. One day I was saved and the next day I was in the world.

I lost my first child "a boy" and almost bled to death. This took me to a dark place that I didn’t want to go. I stayed in the hospital a few months. The next year I attended a Christian camp for teens where I preached my first seminar. You aren't too young to go to hell. I talked about obeying your parents and how sin can lead you to a dark place. Over 200 young teens got saved that day.

I was still back and forward in the Lord and really felt I would never stop getting high. Until one day I was hanging out getting high in this house. I had no idea who the people were and how I got there. I saw my oldest daughter who was only 3 or 4 in the midst of the smoke, I ran to her and promised that she will never see me like that again. That began my journey of living right and seeking God to help me and keep me.

I began to practice how to live a drug-free life. I had to stop hanging out with my so-called friends. I read the word daily and went to church.  The word was very important in my life because I could not live for the Lord and stop getting high in my own strength. Drugs and alcohol were always in my parent’s house. We all sold and used drugs, took pills, and drank alcohol. Praise be to God for delivering me. It’s been over 20 years of a drug-free life.

In 1991, The Lord put on my heart to go on a fast and shut-in at a hotel for 3 days. There in that hotel room, the Lord called me to preach the gospel. He told me not to be afraid of their faces. To my surprise, it was later confirmed by my pastor at the time.

In 2004, I took classes at the Pilgrim Ministering & Leadership Institute (PMLI). I graduated in 2006 and this left me wanting to learn more. In my search for this knowledge, I found CLI in 2011. The experience and teaching I have received have been a great blessing in my ministry and my life. The Lord put in my heart to become a chaplain. I had no idea what he was preparing me for.

When my father became ill and was put in hospice the doctor gave him days to live, but God allowed him to live for over 2 years. The classes at CLI walked me through this hard but wonderful process. The classes gave me the knowledge and strength that I needed. I whole heartily know I would not have been prepared for such a thing without CLI classes. I was able to pray for my father and prepare him to meet the Lord,

I launched my personal ministry in 2014, Against ALL Odds Thorn in the Flesh. CLI was a great instrument in teaching me and preparing me to step out in my ministry with knowledge, tools, and experience. My classes enhanced how I teach leadership classes and helped me become a chaplain and more. President Henry ordained me in 2014. I received my associate's degree and bachelor's degree in Divinity in 2018. I have also received a Chaplain Minister ordination package. I am a CLI mentor. I have received over 20 awards, diplomas, and certificates from CLI.

Thanks to CLI, I am able to move forward in the things that the Lord has charged and called me to do.

Delois Wilkerson
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

To reach more leaders and raise them up for Christ!

Ministry Journey

Delois Wilkerson has a daughter and two grandsons. Her relationship with God began at an early age. In her teens and through her adulthood her life felt out of control. In 2014, She accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as her Savior. She began an in-home Ministry with her grandsons. They read and study the Bible. They also have started Bible Workshop, bringing the word of God through performances such as Spirit Dancing and Expressive Reading.

Delois began Christian Leaders Institute in 2017 and was ordained in 2018. She is willing to mentor other in their training and ordination.

Deniese Brewer
First Name
Deniese Brewer
Last Name
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

To raise up revival leaders!

Ministry Journey

Deniese Brewer has completed 128 credit hours as a commissioned pastor and has a diploma of continuing ministry


My name is Deniese Brewer. I'm a wife of almost ten years to a wonderful husband that I've known since high school, a mom of three boys ages 7, 20 and 24, and three step-children—two boys and a girl—ages 10, 23 and 26. I was born in 1974 in Phoenix, Arizona, and resided most of my life between Colorado where my dad lived and my home state where my mom lives, prior to accepting salvation in Jesus Christ in 2014.

I currently live in Casa Grande, Arizona, which is a relatively small southern town near the border of Mexico ironically called "Big House" in Spanish having around 55,000 residents (mostly snowbirds and lifetime locals). I began attending Christian Leaders Institute (CLI) in September 2014 following my conversion in Christ, as I was searching for ways to engage in a seminary-based study of the Word of God and since, by this time, I had never taken the opportunity to read the Bible in full.

Thank you, Father God, for paving a way to success that would have otherwise not been available. CLI is most definitely part of His greater plan to prosper the Body of Christ. “For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” 

Don Stevens
Last Name
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

To minister, mentor and serve as a Christian Leader!

Ministry Journey

Don Stevens is a retired Disabled military veteran with 34 years of honorable service from Frederica, Delaware. Born on October 18, 1957, to the late Reverend Paris Elliot Stevens Jr and Harriet L Deputy who founded the Plain Truth Baptist Church inc. in the year of 1988. That is when he first asked the Lord to be his personal Savior. He met his wife Sherron C Davis three years later at that church and was united in holy matrimony under his father's ordination on July 21, 1991.

They have two sons Ronelle (rocky) and Wayne (Anthony) and five grandchildren. My parents were great mentors to him and his siblings until their mother passed in (2014) then their farther in (2015).

The military was very beneficial in helping Don reach his education level just shy of a bachelor degree. Although he carries the title deacon at the Plain Truth church he is applied for the Christian Leaders Institute scholarship so that he can take the free deacon training to obtain an official certification. so that he can minister to all souls; believers as well as non-believers. Even though he have been diagnosed with a Hyper Mixed Emotional Stress Disorder (HMESD) because of the three mobilizations he served since 9/11. He believe God wants to use him as an example that he can get his message understood by anyone regardless of his or her handy cap. after taking the getting started class at Christian Leaders Institute it has given him a richer intimate understanding of a walk with God.

He is ordained as a Deacon Minister with CLI!

Donna Fields
Last Name
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

To mentor and raise up more Christian Leaders in South Carolina

Ministry Journey

Donna Fields is married to her wonderful husband Tim for 3 years. She was born and raised in North Carolina, but I currently live in Charleston, SC.

Donna grew up in an (A.M.E) Church,, African American Episcopal. She was baptized as a baby and again as a teenager. As a youth growing up in the Church, she ushered, sung on the choir, participated in church events as much as possible. She came to know the Lord by attending Church, Sunday school, bible study, noonday prayer, as well as vacation bible school.

Recently she has sensed the calling to ministry. The Lord has raise up excellent mentor for her who have assisted her in her ministry training journey at Christian Leaders Institute.

Donna started CLI in 2016 and has completed over 100 credits of training. She was ordained in 2016 as well. She is willing to mentor new CLI students and graduates. She will also assist them in the ordination process with the Christian Leaders Alliance.

Douglas Drake
Last Name
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

To minister to others and raise up revival leaders

Ministry Journey

Douglas Drake lives in San Diego, California. He and his wife Brenda celebrated their 30th wedding anniversary in March of 2017. They have two children, a son and a daughter, and two granddaughters. He retired from active duty in the U.S. Navy in 1999 and currently works as an Information Technology Support Manager for a global law firm.

His calling came early in his Navy career, around 1981, while he was in Seattle, Washington. Fifteen years later he surrendered his life to Christ and began his Christian walk.

Douglas found Christian Leaders Institute in 2017. He has excelled in his studies and was ordained in 2018 with the Christian Leaders Alliance. He is willing to mentor and help others on their ministry journey.

Ed Butler
Last Name
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

To be part of a revival starting in his own life, extending to his church and expanding to the whole world.

Ministry Journey

Ed Butler was in Berwyn, Illinois in 1961 and raised in Joliet, Illinois area. His parents were not Christians started to attend church in Hickory Hills Illinois shortly after his birth. He grew up in that church and was saved at the age of 9.

At one point He read a book called Halftime by Bob Buford. In it he described how God had led

Christian Leaders Alliance Elder-Director gives the ordination prayer for Ed Butler.

him to spend the second half of his life in service to the Lord. He remembers thinking how that would be an amazing goal.

Ed and his family moved to Texas in 2000. He became increasingly convinced that God was working and calling me to ministry.

By 2014, Christian Leaders Institute was an answer to prayer for ministry training. CLI was a perfect fit for his lifestyle.

After graduating with his Bachelor of Divinity degree, Ed took a position as interim pastor at FBC in Quinlan, Tx. They called him to be there full time Pastor just a few months later. They have grown from around 25 at his first Sunday to averaging 75-85 most Sunday mornings in the first two year at this church.

Ed will willing to mentor any Christian Leaders Student and assist them into ordination as the Lord leads.
