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Antonia Davis
Last Name
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

To raise up Christan Leaders for revival. To reach teens for Christ and plant a house church.

Ministry Journey

Antonia and her husband Toran serve the Lord together in ministry. She has two children and has planted a house church together.

Her walk with Christ strengthened after she met her husband to be around 2008. They were married in 2010. She has a passion for teens and their struggles.

Antonia began her studies at Christian Leaders Institute in 2017 and was ordained in 2018. She and her husband are willing to mentor CLI students in their ministry training and ordination with the Christian Leaders Alliance.

James Phillips
Last Name
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

To raise up Christian Leaders for Revival!

Ministry Journey

James Phillips left home when was 17 years old and joined the USA army. He served one year in Viet Nam. He served in the US army for over 22 years in total.

James is married to his childhood sweetheart, and they have been married for half a century. They had three daughters and many grandchildren and even great-grandchildren.

James has been walking with the Lord for a long time and has sensed the calling to ministry.

He began CLI in 2016 and was ordained in 2018. He is willing to mentor others in their ministry training and through the ordination process at Christian Leaders Alliance.

Julie Tucker
Last Name
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

Share the Love of Christ ministering to couples by officianting at their weddings.

Ministry Journey

Julie Tucker is a wedding officiant. In fact, Many couple have their wedding ceremony at her home in the country.

Julie has had to wear many hats and have many titles in the corporate world for 33 years. In 2015, she left the corporate world and started, "Weddings with Julie" She loves being part of the Bride & Groom's Wedding Day.

Julie married her best friend, James Ray Tucker, on her 30th Birthday and from that very moment we have been involved in ministry. Julie and her husband have been youth leaders, out-reach pastors, and even operating The SonShine Bus ministry for many years.

Julie is thankful for the opportunity to study from home! She is eager to learn more and so thankful to have found CLI. She live in a big city in the Bible Belt where you think everyone goes to church and loves the Lord. But day after day, she meet more folks that don't have a church home, they don't have a Pastor or Mentor, they don't have anyone to come pray with them in time of difficulty and some of them have never heard the name of Jesus, that literally breaks my heart. She is willing to be a mentor to Christian Leaders Institute students and help with their ordination.

Reneshia Morgan
Last Name
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

Reneshia wrote in her CLI Profile:
My ministry dream is to reach out and save souls. I want to clear the streets of Memphis from all the violence and fill the Churches on every corner. I want to spread the goodness of Jesus Christ and lead the young people, the lost souls, and the people who are searching but don't know how to take the first step to follow Jesus

Ministry Journey

Reneshia Morgan was born and raised in Memphis, TN. The crime rate is high. Every day she would see news of innocent people and little kids being murdered, people getting robbed, young teens involved in gang activities.

She became a Christian at a young age. Her family taught her well about the Lord but she lost her way. She got pregnant at a young age. She struggled with alcohol and hung around people who meant me no good.

She gave her life to Christ at age 24. Everything changed! At the age of 28, she felt called into ministry. At 30 she felt compelled to start Christian Leaders Institute.

In 2017 she completed her ordination with the Christian Leaders Alliance. She is willing to mentor others in their ministry training and ordination process.

Robert Groover
Last Name
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

To reach his region with the message of the gospel and to raise up more revival leaders!

Ministry Journey

Robert (Robbie) Groover is married to Nancy, his hight school sweetheart since 1986. They have a married daughter and a son. They also have grandchildren.

Robbie attended church his entire life and accepted Christ as my Lord and Savior at a young age. Robbie went through a time when he was not close to God. In recent year, he has not only returned to Christ, but his sensed the call into ministry. He began writing devotionals and has a radio program where he proclaims the gospel.

Robbie started Christian Leaders Institute in 2014. He was ordained with the Christian Leaders Alliance in 2017. He willing to mentor others in their ministry training journey and help them through the process of ordination with the Christian Leaders Alliance.

Robert Harwell
Last Name
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

To raise up more Christian leaders to bring revival to our land

Ministry Journey

Robert Allen Harwell Sr is married to Janet. His nickname is Bear. He has six grown children and ten grandchildren and even two great-grandchildren.

His story to the Lord involved, drugs, alcohol, several broken marriages, and many suicide attempts until a Pentecostal minister shared the gospel with him over three decades ago. Everything changed.

Bear was called to bring hope to the hurting. Bear started Christian Leaders Institute in 2015. He was ordained in 2018. He is willing to mentor and help those seeking ministry training or Ordination with the Christian Leaders Alliance.

Roger Sigmon
Last Name
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

To raise up Christian Leaders for revival!

Ministry Journey

Pastor Roger Sigmon is an author and a co-founder of Ministry Happens and wayXtreme worship experience. He is married to Carol Sigmon and they have a beautiful teenage daughter, Gracie. They reside in East TN.

He was the youngest of four children, his parents modeled a moral yet simplistic lifestyle for him. He was first intrigued to learn more about Christ after seeing his friends, at a new church they had begun to attend, living a different lifestyle than he had. He wanted what they had and soon became a believer in Christ and born again

At this time, he began to sense the calling in ministry. He attempted to spread the gospel at a young age. He began Christian Leaders Institute in 2017 and he was ordained in 2018.

Roger is willing to mentor new students and help them become ordained with the Christian Leaders Alliance.

Samuel Flynn
First Name
Samuel Flynn
Last Name
Type of Minister
Ministry Journey

Samuel Flynn was born in Crossville, Tennessee in 1998. In the early 2000’s Samuel had an injury that discouraged him from completing his studies. So, he dropped out. In 2017, Samuel decided to take his GED test. Just falling short of a few points. He felt discouraged, feeling like he didn’t matter to his school. Then one day He got a call to come back and retake it. He passed and gained perspective.  After high school, Samuel decided to further his studies and enrolled at CLI.

Samuel has a 3.8 GPA and has completed 16 credit hours at CLI. He has also received certification in Computer Science and is an advocate against Human Trafficking. Samuel also has his own Broadcasting Network.

He has an Honorary Master's Degree from North Central Theological Seminary and a Bachelor's from Missionary Chapel and Seminary. Samuel is also a former 2nd LT in CAP and an Information Technology Officer.


Tanya Thompson
Last Name
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

To raise up leaders in the greater Nashville area for revival!

Ministry Journey

Tanya Thompson is a Christian, single mother of one 18-year-old daughter. She has been actively involved in Christian Ministry since the age of 12. She is the author of a Christian Women's Self Help book. Her passion is Children and Women's Ministry. She has seven years of Women's Ministry Leadership including Sunday School Teacher, Bible Study Leader, and Missionettes Full Gospel Fellowship Instructor. She is a Licensed Practical Nurse and an Entrepreneur.

She is a survivor of Spousal Abuse/Domestic Violence. She has also had the honor of speaking at several Local Churches for Women's Conferences.

She was called to ministry. She began CLI in 2016 and was ordained in 2017. She is willing to mentor Christian Leaders Institute students in their ministry training and through ordination with the Christian Leaders alliance.

Toran Davis
Last Name
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

To plant house churches and raise up more revival leaders in his region.

Ministry Journey

Toran and Antonia Davis are ministers together in Cordova, Tennessee. They are planting a house church together. They have two children, a boy, and a girl.

Toran began his walk with Christ as a young person. He was raised in the church. For a short time, he ventured life on his own but soon returned to the Lord. He married Antonia, and together they serve the Lord in ministry.

Toran began his studies at Christian Leaders Institute in 2017 and was ordained in 2018. He and his wife Antonia are willing to mentor others in their studies and through the Ordination process at Christian Leaders Alliance.
