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Matthew Caffell
Last Name
Ministry Dream

To Mentor and guide fellow students in the UK

Ministry Journey

My name is Matthew Caffell, a leader in a transport outreach in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

My Christian walk has been anything but straightforward, in fact it has been one of ebbs and flows.

I started my walk at about eight years of age. My parents had split when I was very young. After their break up, my Dad recommitted to The Faith, and God lead him to become an Elder of a local Evangelical church. He continued in ministry in one way or another till his going to Glory in 2018.

My Mum on the other hand was not a Christian, and did almost everything she could to dissuade me from following in my father's footsteps; This caused rather a mixed upbringing, and was very hard for me to know what was right.

Thankfully God himself started to show himself to me, in the way that only He can. I remember praying true heartfelt prayers from a young age, even asking God to be my Lord and Jesus to be my Saviour, as I understood it then.

I had a varied childhood, often being the greatest advert for the Enemy, interspersed with times where I did what I was able, to be right and walking with the Lord.

I was baptised in the fountains in Trafalgar Square, London, England on Friday 13th February 1998, which was part of a great leap forward in my spiritual walk.

Whilst my walk did not run smooth, I spent a long time away from church, I never really gave up my faith.

There is more to say, but that would lengthen the way past the necessary.
What I will say is that on 28th December 2003 I was turned on to God fully, and that is the date that I count as the start of my ministry journey.

I received supernatural healing for a severe spinal injury. That day the pastor of that church invited me to become his apprentice.

I spent nine months in training with Rev Dr William Isaacs-Sodeye who is a powerful minister of the Gospel. My time with him was of great value to my walk of faith.

Over the following years I have developed a deeper relationship with God and Jesus.

God has brought the most wonderful woman to be by my side and join me in the walk of faith.

We now have two awesome daughters together.

My career has been in the transport sector, mainly as a HGV and PSV driver. God has used this experience through a ministry for truck drivers in the UK, which I have been blessed with the position of Senior Ministry lead.

This is the ministry that I have predominantly joined to help CLI further. Firstly, deepening my relationship with The Lord and all that I learn in this process, secondly, I would then be able to pass this knowledge on to those who I minister to in Jesus' name.

GL52 8JB
Rose Zerna
First Name
Rose Zerna
Last Name
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

To raise up a revival for Jesus!

Ministry Journey

Rose has been a wonderful student at Christian Leaders Instuite since 2015. Since then she has achieved her Deacon Ordination and she has a solid 4 point G.P.A.


Read Rose's Testimony in her own words

  Hello, my name is Rose Zerna, female. I am 43 years old and live in the United Kingdom as an immigrant from the Philippines. I come from a family of 4 siblings and I'm second to the eldest. I am married and have one child.  I have one child. My son who is 11 years old is a joy to me and my husband.



  I am a nurse by profession, specialist in Cardiology.  Currently, the Nursing Agency will allow me to manage my own time around family, church, and ministry commitments. I knew the name Jesus from my mother who was a Catholic.  In addition, My uncle who passed away was the one who introduced me about salvation and personal relationship with God in Christ Jesus. My uncle was an important instrument who first introduced me to the Truth and truths in the Bible. I have decided to first believe when I felt nothing made sense anymore.


"Indeed, Jesus is the only way, the truth, and the life and no one comes to the Father except through Him."

-Rose Zerna




The Call

I am going to use this ministry that the Lord has entrusted me to preach Jesus Christ, the Grace of God, the message of salvation to multitudes until the Lord calls me home.


 It has been impressed to me by the Lord that people need 2nd chances in life before the 2nd coming of our Great God and Saviour Jesus Christ.

In Ezekiel 18:23, the Lord asked a question, “Do I have any pleasure at all that the wicked should die? And not that he should turn from his ways and live?”.


My answer to the Lord is “No Lord! You are not slack concerning Your promise, as some count slackness, but You are longsuffering toward us. You are not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance.”

 I desire to mentor people of different age to admonish them that there is still HOPE in this life. A hope that will spread like fire. These mentored-ones will then mentor others who are also hungry to spread the truth of the Gospel. A hope that does not disappoint will arise causing many lives to be saved from the wrath that is to come.

Rose is willing to assist and mentor any student who needs help at CLI.

Warren Douglas Aus
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

Reach UK

Ministry Journey

Warren Douglas Aus was raised in a strict church-going family and was baptized at 11 years of age though not really knowing why. Then at 19, he felt the call to be a minister, but the world called me louder and he went away from God.

Many years later Warren came back to God and gave him a mentor who trained him to preach the Word. He is married to a supporting wife. Warren has have preached in his home country, Australia. He has also preached in the Philippines and India.

Warren began his studies at Christian Leaders Insitute in 2015. He holds many advance diplomas. He is ordained as a commission minister in the Christian Leaders Alliance. Warren is willing to mentor Christian Leaders Institute students and graduates. He will also help in the ordaining process.

LE11 3RP