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First Name
Brad Phelps
Last Name
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

To raise up revival leaders!

Ministry Journey

Brad Phelps is 49 yrs old and living in Zambia.  He is married to Hope Chikwanda. Together they have one daughter Zoe. He works in the mineral exploration industry as a mining supervisor

Brad met my wife in Lusaka 10 yrs ago. The two of them wed quite early. However, Brad knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that Chikwanda was for him.  They lived what Brad thought was a reasonably happy life. However, the couple was not born again at this stage.  Shortly after marriage, Brad and his wife began to shift around Zambia. Consequently, they found their way into an RCCG church in a small town called Solwezi. This is where Brad and his wife both gave their lives to Christ. Since then, Brad has been extremely blessed to have men of God around him to help. Brad was blessed with a mentor from the early stage that he gave his life to Jesus. He currently holds 2 positions in the church he attends in Mwanza Tanzania.


Brad started CLI in January of 2018. Since then he has completed 47 credit hours and has been awarded an Associates Degree through CLI!

Brad is excited about his journey at CLI and is willing to help other students along the way.