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Dee Taylor
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Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

Dee is called to serve those in need of God's grace and to raise up Christian Leaders bring revival to our land.

Ministry Journey

My name is Davenia "Dee” Davenport, age 61, I am divorced, with three daughters, two granddaughters, and a grandson on the way. My family (Mother & Father) moved to Atlanta in 1980. Due to my father being sick with breathing and lung problems. The Lord granted my father 34 more years of life.

My mother was the first person to receive salvation in the family. I got saved in 1976 while looking at the PTL club. I was 17 years old. A few months later my mother prayed for me to receive the Holy Spirit. However, at that time I was struggling. One day I was saved and the next day I was in the world.

I lost my first child "a boy" and almost bled to death. This took me to a dark place that I didn’t want to go. I stayed in the hospital a few months. The next year I attended a Christian camp for teens where I preached my first seminar. You aren't too young to go to hell. I talked about obeying your parents and how sin can lead you to a dark place. Over 200 young teens got saved that day.

I was still back and forward in the Lord and really felt I would never stop getting high. Until one day I was hanging out getting high in this house. I had no idea who the people were and how I got there. I saw my oldest daughter who was only 3 or 4 in the midst of the smoke, I ran to her and promised that she will never see me like that again. That began my journey of living right and seeking God to help me and keep me.

I began to practice how to live a drug-free life. I had to stop hanging out with my so-called friends. I read the word daily and went to church.  The word was very important in my life because I could not live for the Lord and stop getting high in my own strength. Drugs and alcohol were always in my parent’s house. We all sold and used drugs, took pills, and drank alcohol. Praise be to God for delivering me. It’s been over 20 years of a drug-free life.

In 1991, The Lord put on my heart to go on a fast and shut-in at a hotel for 3 days. There in that hotel room, the Lord called me to preach the gospel. He told me not to be afraid of their faces. To my surprise, it was later confirmed by my pastor at the time.

In 2004, I took classes at the Pilgrim Ministering & Leadership Institute (PMLI). I graduated in 2006 and this left me wanting to learn more. In my search for this knowledge, I found CLI in 2011. The experience and teaching I have received have been a great blessing in my ministry and my life. The Lord put in my heart to become a chaplain. I had no idea what he was preparing me for.

When my father became ill and was put in hospice the doctor gave him days to live, but God allowed him to live for over 2 years. The classes at CLI walked me through this hard but wonderful process. The classes gave me the knowledge and strength that I needed. I whole heartily know I would not have been prepared for such a thing without CLI classes. I was able to pray for my father and prepare him to meet the Lord,

I launched my personal ministry in 2014, Against ALL Odds Thorn in the Flesh. CLI was a great instrument in teaching me and preparing me to step out in my ministry with knowledge, tools, and experience. My classes enhanced how I teach leadership classes and helped me become a chaplain and more. President Henry ordained me in 2014. I received my associate's degree and bachelor's degree in Divinity in 2018. I have also received a Chaplain Minister ordination package. I am a CLI mentor. I have received over 20 awards, diplomas, and certificates from CLI.

Thanks to CLI, I am able to move forward in the things that the Lord has charged and called me to do.

Tracie Steadman
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Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

To raise up more Christian Leaders for Ministry in the Greater Atlanta area

Ministry Journey

Tracie Steadman is originally from Sacramento, California. She have lived in Atlanta, Georgia for 30 years. She am married to John Steadman Jr. We have five children and nine grand children.

Here walk with God was inspired at a young age by the widow of Rev. Walter Johnson. Read her profile to hear her inspiring story. As life went forward and her walked strengthened she sensed the calling into ministry. She experienced a stoke, that prompted her to get even closer to the Lord.

She started Christian Leaders institute in 2017 and was ordained in the Associate Chaplain role in 2018. She is willing to mentor others in their ministry training at Christian Leaders Institute and help them become ordained with the Christian Leaders Alliance.
