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To raise up a new generation of revival leaders
Constantine M Mapfumo was born in the early 1960s and is married. He has six children and many grandchildren. He is a full-time ministry worker and a church planter. He gave his life to Jesus in January 1987.
Constantine received the calling as he was raising his family. He planted his church and God has brought the increase.
He started Christian Leaders Institute in 2013 and was ordained in 2014. He is willing to mentor others in their training and through the ordination process with Christian Leaders Alliance.
He is passionate about spreading the truth of Scripture and bringing revival to Kenya and beyond.
Davies Mutuku works in administration and logistics in a manufacturing company in Nairobi, Kenya. He currently assists with pastoral duties in a church plant in Machakos county.
He gave his life to Christ and was baptized in 1981. He made a deeper commitment in God in 2000 and started serving in his local church at that time. He has a passion for teaching and for Christian missions.
Davies began his studies at CLI in 2013 and serves as a bi-vocational CLI ambassador in Kenya. He was ordained with the Christian Leaders Alliance in 2015 and is ready and willing to mentor other students and graduates in their ministry training journey and ordination.
To raise up revival leaders!
Deidre Dominick is 44 years old. Deidre is married and the mother of 2 incredible boys and lives in Cape Town, South Africa.
Deidre has completed 21 credit hours at CLI is ordained as an officiant minister.
Deidre's testimony in her own words:
The first encounter I had with God was when I was 6yrs old. God showed me in a vision a Shepherd herding sheep. When I was 9 years old, I started studying the book of Revelation. I got saved when I was 14, received the holy spirit and spoke in tongues that very same night. Was baptized 3weeks later.
My life since then has been a series of prophecies from local and international Pastors and prophets and prophecies including the birth of my son, being a community leader and spreading the gospel to nations. I always felt a strong desire to see not just revival in the church, but Christians receiving the revelation of the love of God and centering him in the church and in their lives.
15 years after I was saved God gave me a vision of the church. That led to me writing my first book called 'The Vision of the Church'. I am the founder of a voluntary non- profit organization called women's incorporated community outreach (WINCCO). The organization is for the upliftment and empowerment of women. It is in running this organization that I have decided to join CLI to equip me for the mission of spreading the gospel through this organization.
The calling to teach the Gospel to women has been clarified more with every step I took to the starting of the organization I run.
Douglas Mazimba. is 39 years old and a father and husband of three wonderful children whose names are Grace, Benjamin and Gauis His family lives in the rural part of Zambia in the Copperbelt.
Douglas gave his life to the Lord in 1993 after a lengthy battle with sin during the time when he thought within himself he had the power to stop sin. However, one Sunday morning, his friend invited Douglas to their church in an urban area. The Pastor was an old evangelist with an interpreter. When he stood to preach, it was like he was reading from what was written about Douglas's behavior. At the moment, Douglas thought maybe the ushers or some ladies have communicated to the Pastor concerning his life. He ended the message with the urgency to turn to the lord and ask for forgiveness. Without hesitation, Douglas ran to the front and asked Jesus to forgive him and to wash Douglas in his blood. Douglas had never experienced a message like that before.
Afterward, Douglas joined the church. The Pastor came and hugged him and whispered in his ear “ Jesus loves you, so do I”. Douglas was wearing a shirt written “real savage”, and had spent the previous night selling drugs (cigarettes and alcohol). He was producing a bad odor from the drugs but the pastor hugged him regardless and his nice perfume remained on Douglas's clothes.
Since then Douglas has started CLI in 2016 and completed 52 credit hours and is ordained as a commissioned minister. Douglas is now a pastor of a house church plant in his country.
To bring revival to the nations. To launch revival leaders everywhere.
Rev. Ed Franklyn Arcton is blessed with two wonderful children.
His walk and fellowship with the Lord Jesus Christ started in 1970 as a young boy when He gave his life completely to Jesus as his personal Lord and Savior.
As a student, He was a member of the Scripture Union (SU), and played a leading role in the SU and helped to reach out to other students in other Secondary Schools and Colleges.
The Lord has called him into the Pastoral Ministry with a burden to bring Revival into our Churches and communities, promoting missionary work in an unreached peoples group in our Nation and beyond. And above all, to promote Leadership training and prayer ministry among people in the Body of Christ.
Ed began studying at Christian Leaders Institute in 2013 and was ordained with the Christian Leaders Alliance in 2016. Rev. Ed is ready and willing to mentor CLI students and graduates and help them through the ordination process at Christian Leaders Alliance.
Edward Ayub is a commissioned minister enrolled at CLI in 2013 and has completed 48 credit hours.
Read His Testimony Here:
I was born in 1973, I accepted Christ as my savior in the year 1990 after I was involved in drugs for some 3 years. This happened by watching Jesus' film.
I am the 2nd in a family of 14 Siblings. 8 from Mother's side and 6 from Father's side but I grew up under the care of my grandmother who tried really hard to train me in the ways of Christ. Over the years I have learned to depend on Jesus in everything that I do for God never fails. He is the only sure way for me and Him alone owns my life. I keep my focus on Him regardless of many adversaries that have come or may come my way.
Calling to Ministry.
After I received Jesus as the savior of my life in 1990, I was disciplined by Christian Union Leaders in the School. This is the time I had begun to experience a very strong desire to share the word of God with others. I joined a team of students who were ministering to Sunday School Children on Sundays. Later on, the elders in my Local Church identified teaching and preaching gifts in me and I was recruited as a lay preacher in the Methodist Church of Kenya. Afterward, I did some basic training and was accredited as a lay preacher in 1998.
Ever since I have been preaching and teaching the word of God and I have witnessed many people come to faith. I always have had a desire to preach and raise up people in the faith as a servant leader. To be honest, I cannot help but preach the good news of the Kingdom of God. This gives me a satisfaction that brings me unexplainable joy.
To raise up leaders for revival in Zimbabwe
Ezekiel Shungu is married and holds various advanced degrees— he recently graduated with his Doctorate of Biblical Studies, MBA in Logistics, Post Graduate Diploma in Project Planning Monitoring and Evaluation, and is currently pursuing his Master's Degree in Monitoring and Evaluation.
Ezekiel accepted Jesus Christ as his savior when he was young. He has been called to ministry and started at Christian Leaders Intitute in 2016. He receive his Bachelor of Divinity late in 2017. He was also ordained in 2017.
He is willing to mentor Christian Leaders Institute students and graduates with their ministry training and with ordination into the Christian Leaders Alliance.
To bring Revival to Uganda!
Geoffrey Twinamatsiko is a founder leader, currently the Executive Director - of a Faith-Based NGO, GOSPEL OF PEACE MISSIONS. This organization focuses on programs of Evangelism, Education, Health and Community Empowerment.
Geoggrey has been walking with the Lord for most of his life. He was called into ministry and has served in ministry in many capacities.
Geoffrey began Christian Leaders Institute in 2013 and was ordained as a commissioned minister in 2015 with the Christian Leaders Alliance. He is willing to mentor CLI students and assist in the process of ordination with the Christian Leaders Alliance.
To bring revival to South Africa and raise up more Christian Leaders!
Herman Grootboom is married to the love of his life, Desmona, and they are blessed with three beautiful children. Herman is currently leading the ministry bible school. He has followed Jesus for a long time and called to ministry!
Herman began at Christian Leaders Institute in 2014. He was ordained as a commission pastor in 2018. He is willing and ready to mentor other in their ministry training and ordination process into the Christian Leaders Alliance.
To proclaim the gospel to those in Nigeria that need Christ
Ibrahim Daniel Amshi was born into a Muslim home. There were very few Christians in his village. He took interest in Christianity at a young age. He would often attend Sunday School.
When he left his village for the university, Ibrahim continued to grow as a Christian. He has studied the Bible for many years at various places online.
Ibrahim started Christian Leaders Institute in 2016. He has completed over 65 credits of ministry training. He has been ordained as a Commissioned Minister. He is willing to mentor those in his area and help them get ordained with the Christian Leaders Alliance.