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Gregory Dye
Last Name
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

To raise up more trained and ready called Christian Leaders for my region.

Ministry Journey

Greg Dye is married to Leslie, and they have a young son. Greg grew up in a home where they attended church Christmas and Easter. He struggled with tough questions about the Bible or Science and the Bible. For a time, he was not connecting to the Christian message.

His search did not find him ultimate answers. He was still unhappy and unfulfilled.

Gregory came to know the Lord through the work of His servants, but mainly through a friendship with a beautiful woman who now walks beside him as his married wife. They are called and together they do ministry.

Gregory started Christian Leaders Institute in 2015 and became an ordained commission minister in 2018. He and his wife are willing to mentor other on a ministry training journey and through the Christian Leaders Alliance ordination program.

Richard Donavon Jacobs
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

Affectionately known as "Rev. Donnie”, Rev. Jacobs ministry Dream and Goal is fashioned around his call to proclaim the life changing Power of Jesus the Christ in practical means seen in everyday life. He also desires to provide opportunities for the needs of his "neighbors” to be met.

Ministry Journey

Richard Donavon Jacobs is originally from Munford, Alabama (U.S.A.) in Talladega County, but currently resides in Auburn, Alabama (U.S.A) He had the blessing of growing up in a Christian home and accept the Lord early in life.

He began studying at Christian Leaders Institute in 2014. He completed many credential levels by 2016, including being ordained as a commissioned minister. He was also ordained locally in his local chruch in their ordination system.

As of January 2016, Rev. Jacobs became the Interim Pastor of the New Popular Springs Missionary Baptist Church (Dadeville, AL). In May 2016, Rev. Richard D. Jacobs was elected as Pastor, succeeding Senior Pastor.

Rev. Jacobs is willing to mentor Christian leaders seeking to serve God in ministry. He is also willing to open up his church to be a mentor center.
