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Ed Arcton
Last Name
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

To bring revival to the nations. To launch revival leaders everywhere.

Ministry Journey

Rev. Ed Franklyn Arcton is blessed with two wonderful children.
His walk and fellowship with the Lord Jesus Christ started in 1970 as a young boy when He gave his life completely to Jesus as his personal Lord and Savior.

As a student, He was a member of the Scripture Union (SU), and played a leading role in the SU and helped to reach out to other students in other Secondary Schools and Colleges.

The Lord has called him into the Pastoral Ministry with a burden to bring Revival into our Churches and communities, promoting missionary work in an unreached peoples group in our Nation and beyond. And above all, to promote Leadership training and prayer ministry among people in the Body of Christ.

Ed began studying at Christian Leaders Institute in 2013 and was ordained with the Christian Leaders Alliance in 2016. Rev. Ed is ready and willing to mentor CLI students and graduates and help them through the ordination process at Christian Leaders Alliance.