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Bernard Deslandes
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

To raise up Christian leaders for Jamaica and for the world. To bring revival to the nations!

Ministry Journey

Bernard W. Deslandes is married for over ten years and has two sons. He was part of a Christian family from youth so the love for God was planted in him at an early age. The decision to fully commit his life to Christ came in August 1994.

He has sensed the call into ministry from a young age. He began acting on that calling in January of 2005 when he entered full-time ministry.

Being introduced to Christian Leaders Institute in August 2014 by a good friend was like a dream come true as he was never able to afford formal theological training due to the enormous costs associated with attending a religious college.

He was ordained as a minister in the Christian Leaders Alliance in 2015. He is willing and ready to mentor Christian Leaders in their ministry training and ordination.

Kenroy Edwards
Last Name
Ministry Dream

To bring revival to Jamaica and to raise up more Christian Leaders.

Ministry Journey

Kenroy Edwards was born in Kingston, Jamaica to non-Christian parents. He accepted Christ at age 14 after attending church for a while with his god-family. Kenroy experienced a call to ministry in his teenage years. Through some positive and negative experiences the Lord placed ministry on his heart.

Kenroy began his studies at Christian Leaders Institute in 2016 and was ordained in 2017. Kenroy is ready and willing to offer mentorship and support to CLI students in Jamaica who need it. On April 7, 2019,  Minister Kenroy Edwards was commissioned as the first Network Elder representing Christian Leaders Alliance in Jamaica.

Kenroy is married to his wife Trecia, and they have two lovely children. He and his wife Trecia are both pastors under different denominations but see God's work as one. As of 2022 Kenroy is the Pastor of The Tucker Wesleyan Holiness Church, Men's President Northern Jamaica District Wesleyan Holiness Church and sits on the District Board of Administration and is a proud CLI graduate