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Shari Kasten
Last Name
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

To bring restoration to women and couples who need Christ and a new life in Him. To help raise up more revival leaders.

Ministry Journey

Shari is married, and they have children. She and her husband both are called into ministry. Her husband is a Christian Counselor who holds a PHD.

Shari is the the fourth of five children born to a Vietnam veteran and a former elementary school teacher. From a very young age, she remembers contemplating God, loving Him, and praying to Him.

Her favorite class in the Christian school she attended was Bible class. She was taught in a two-room schoolhouse, even in the cold winters of small-town Minnesota. Shari was baptized in the Reformed church and has affirmed her faith in Christ Jesus.

Shari began studying at Christian Leaders Institute in 2014. She became ordained as a commissioned ministry in 2016.

She would be willing to sign ordination papers in good conscience if the ordination candidate will submit to a criminal background check. She also likes the idea of emailing and phone calls as a form of communications. She asks students to email her.
