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Christian Onyiagha
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

To raise up anointed and well train Christian Leaders for Africa!

Ministry Journey

Christian Onyiagha is the pastor at Divine Gospel Church. He was born into a Christian home, but he was not involved with the work of the ministry until 2007. He was a Christian, but He lacked the POWER of Christianity [Holy Spirit].

In March 2007, He attended a Crusade. It was at this meeting that He received the Holy Spirit. That experience turned Him into an anointed Christian Leader.

He became aware that he needed training in the Word of God. He began studies in 2013. He began his studies. He now has over 140 credits of study complete. He has been ordained in the Christian Leaders Alliance. He is willing to help spread ministry training with ordination as possibilities in other places beyond Nigeria.

Contact him if you need a mentor for study or ordination.

Ibrahim Daniel Amshi
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

To proclaim the gospel to those in Nigeria that need Christ

Ministry Journey

Ibrahim Daniel Amshi was born into a Muslim home. There were very few Christians in his village. He took interest in Christianity at a young age. He would often attend Sunday School.

When he left his village for the university, Ibrahim continued to grow as a Christian. He has studied the Bible for many years at various places online.

Ibrahim started Christian Leaders Institute in 2016. He has completed over 65 credits of ministry training. He has been ordained as a Commissioned Minister. He is willing to mentor those in his area and help them get ordained with the Christian Leaders Alliance.

Temilolu Aliu
Last Name
Type of Minister
Ministry Journey

Temilolu Aliu confessed Jesus Christ as his personal Lord and Saviour in September 2001; that marked the beginning of his walk with God. In January 2005, He preached his first sermon and by God's grace. He has functioned in various Christian leadership and ministerial positions in Nigeria- his country of birth, and in The Philippines, where He served as a missionary.

He enrolled at Christian Leaders Institute in 2015. Temilolu was ordained in 2016. He will be willing to mentor and encourage Christian Leaders Institute students and graduates in their ministry training and their ordination.