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Archie Smith
Last Name
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

To raise up revival Christian Leaders in his community

Ministry Journey

Archie Smith is an Army veteran, a businessman, a minister of the Gospel, but most importantly a Child of the King. He accepted the gracious gift of Salvation at a tender age of 5 yrs. old and the call to preach the Gospel at the age of 12.

He is married to his beautiful wife and is the parental steward to 3 beautiful children.

His desire is to fulfill God's call on his life for ministry to the local community.

Archie began Christian Leaders Institute in 2015 and was ordained in 2017. He is willing to mentor local CLI students in their ministry training and assist them in the ordination process with Christian Leaders Alliance.

My assignment is to be a yielded vessel used to pour into the many lives of individuals across this country. We believe in the inerrant word of God and that all scripture is God-Breathed.

Craig Smith
Last Name
Ministry Dream

To raise up more Christian Leaders for North Carolina revival.

Ministry Journey

Anthony Craig Smith, who goes by his middle name, "Craig." Craig is married and has two children, who they homeschool. He was raised in a Christian home and spent most of his education in a Christian school. He was saved in the third grade.

Craig called to home disciple his family with his wife. Craig started Christian Leaders Institute in 2016 and was ordained 2017. He is willing to mentor new CLI students and assist them through the ordination process.

Sammy Robinson
Last Name
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

To raise up more Christian Leaders!

Ministry Journey

Sammy Robinson is married to a supportive wife; together they parent six children.

Sammy became a believer in his twenties at this church in Laurinburg, North Carolina. One year later he fell l away for 7 years.  In 2011, just after a time of dark despair, Sammy came back to Christ, and have since then fully devoted his life to Him as well as his calling to preach the gospel.

Sammy started the Christian Leaders Institute in 2017 and became ordained in 2018. He is willing to mentor new CLI students and encourage them through the ordination process at Christian Leaders Alliance.
