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Ben D. Gonzaga
Last Name
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

Bring Revival to the Philippines. Raise up more Christian Leaders.

Ministry Journey

Ben D. Gonzaga was born in 1981 and the only child in the family due to the early death of his father when he was only 8 months old. Ben sufferes from chonic illness but that does not hold him back. Despite his chronic illness, the Lord has gifted him with many skills like carpentry, electrical related works, masonry, plumbing, cooking, driving, animal raising, art craft and many more.

Ben is married to Shim Rose and they have two lovely children, Shiloah and Jephthah.

His conversion to Christ was a slow one. He was converted at age 18. Immediately, he began witnessing to his friends. He was called into ministry at age 21.

Ben began his studies at Christian Leaders Institute in 2014. He has completed over 120 credit hours of classes. He was ordained as a commissioned minister.

He is willing and ready to mentor new CLI students in the Philippines. He will also help with Ordination.