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Christopher Lafavor
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

To help those who are down and out to be renewed! To help raise up more leaders.

Ministry Journey

Christopher Lafavor was raised in the church. Ever since he was young He knew that God had called me to be a preacher.

Christopher is engaged to marry the woman of his dreams. She is sold out for God and will be a wonderful compliment in ministry.

Christopher started Christian Leaders Institute in 2017. He has been ordained and is willing to help other become ordained.

Jerold Terry
Last Name
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

Bring revival to his community to plant Christianity into the Austin area.

Ministry Journey

Jerold Terry (JT) grew up in Southeast Asia (Laos, Thailand and Sri Lanka), the eldest son of Southern Baptist Missionaries. He is married to his wonderful wife, Alma. He has an undergraduate degree in Psychology, a graduate degree in Education, and a post master's degree in Leadership (Ed.S.). He serves on the leadership team at his church and is excited to be a part of an ARC church plant in Austin, Texas.

JT has appreciated the ministry training at the Christian Leader Institute. It will allow him to revisit and renew his formal training.

JT holds a Bachelor of Divinity degree through Christian Leaders Institute and is ordained as a commissioned minister. He is willing to mentor represent Christian Leaders Alliance with ordination.
