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Shirley Johnson
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Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

Bring restoration and revival to her area; to help women to soar past abuse into wholeness

Ministry Journey

Shirley Johnson is an unlikely ordained leader. She was a victim of sexual abuse from her adoptive father. She was lost in two abusive marriage. In one marriage, she was led into the sexual swinging lifestyle. She was lost.

In her third marriage now, the Lord entered into her life and the life of her husband. She has mothered 8 children. She has been through so much. But Christ saved her and has called her to minister to women who are abused and also need Christ. She has forgiven those that have harmed her and has taken responsibility for her own actions.

In 2015, she began Christian Leaders Insitute. She has completed over 130 credits of training. She was ordained through the Christian Leaders Alliance. She is willing to mentor women who have been sexually abused and need healing. She has shared her transparent story on her profile. She will assist in helping with ordination.

Stephen Mayo
Last Name
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

To impact our world with the gospel. To plant a church in Montana.

Ministry Journey

Stephen Mayo was born and raised in a small Montana town. The last of four children. He grew up in a Christian home, something He will thank God for every day. He went to community college in Wyoming where He earned an associate in history, focused on the ancient middle east and the Mediterranean, and an associate in English.

While He was attending college, He slowly fell away from the church. He spent several years stumbling around on his own trying to make things work. He began exploring other faiths and seeing what was out there. Though He never questioned the existence of God, he questioned the person of Christ.

A few years after college some friends invited he and his wife to attend a service at their church. The first couple of weeks He resisted taking in the teaching. At one service, his wife raised her hand as a profession of faith. They were all supposed to have their eyes closed, but somehow he knew when her hand went up. He spent the next week soul searching. On his way to work one day, He put in a DC talk CD from when He was a kid. By the time he arrived at work, He was in tears. He became a Christian at that time.

Immediately, he was sensing a calling. He wanting to start Bible College. Eventually, he found Christian Leaders Institute. Stephen began Christian Leaders Institute in 2015. He is close to finishing his Bachelor degree in divinity. He was ordained with the Christian Leaders Alliance in 2017.

He is willing and ready to mentor new CLI students and help them become ordained with the Christian Leaders Alliance.

Tony Wetmore
Last Name
Ministry Dream

To reach his community for Christ and help raise up more Christian Leaders for ministry

Ministry Journey

Tony Wetmore is a follower of Jesus Christ. He lives in a small resort town in the mountains of Southern California. Still close however to aYet, within a two-hour commute from this small community by car is a harvest field of about 22.68 million people!

Tony came to the Lord at YMCA camp when he was 12, and participated in youth groups during my high school years. He fell away from the Lord shortly after graduation, and spent a decade in the "world,” before returning to Him and becoming born again.

He is married to a wonderful wife for over 30 years. Together, they have three children.

For the past 25 years, He served as a ministry leader in programs ranging from youth and men’s ministry to those aimed at serving the homeless and those in prison. Throughout it all, music and worship leading have been an integral part of his service. In October 2016, He served as the worship leader for his church, Selah Christian Fellowship, in Crestline, Calif. He was also blessed to preach the message often at Selah as well as preaching and sharing the gospel on the street and in a local prison.

Tony began studies at Christian Leaders Insititute in 2013 and have many award credentials. He was ordained with the Christian Leaders Alliance as a Commission Minister in 2016.

Tony will be willing to help Christian Leaders Institute students and graduates advance in Pastoral Ministry, Homeless Ministry, Prison Ministry, Youth Ministry and more - He is willing to come alongside and help them through the Ordination/Graduation process as a mentor.

Vaughn Tucker
Last Name
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

To raise up Christian Leaders in South Florida

Ministry Journey

Vaughn Tucker is married to Narice and together they have one child and Vaughn has another child from a previous marriage. He was born in St Ann, Jamaica in 1973. He remember clearly telling his mother that when He grew up, "I am going to ride on a bicycle and preach”' When He was seven years old his mother decided to take me to Kingston to live with his Father's family.
His grandmother was a committed Christian and would take him to church with her, it was at this time that He began to experience the sense that He was lost and needed to be saved. He became saved.

He came to the United States in 2007. He had a calling on his heart. He started Christian Leaders Insitute in 2015 and became ordained in 2016. He is willing to mentor those needing ministry training and help them become ordained in the Christian Leaders Alliance.

William Rodriguez
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

Raising up Ministry leaders in English and Spanish

Ministry Journey

William Rodriguez is an experienced minister. Born in Mayaguez, Puerto Rico and is the father of three beautiful daughters: Sarah Nashaly, Alixa Nicole, and Gabriela Angelique.

He has completed theological studies with the Extramural Bible Institute of the Assemblies Of God in Newburgh, NY.

President and Senior Pastor at "Centro de Transformación Internacional" Puerto Rico, and of A Soul For Christ Ministry Inc. and Recently incorporated William Rodriguez Ministries.

William stated Christian Leaders Institute in 2017. He has completed over 170 credits of training. He is willing to mentor CLI students in Puerto Rico including ordination.
