Displaying listings from Africa → Zambia.

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 Arthur Musonda
First Name
 Arthur Musonda
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

To raise up revival leaders!

Ministry Journey

Arthur Musonda is a Zambian living in Mkushi town right in the Central Province of Zambia. He is married with 2 Children and currently running a ministry that he started himself. He grew up in a Christian home and participated in Church activities from the age of 13 to the age of 16 when Arthur acknowledged Christ Jesus and received him as his Lord and savior. Since then, Arthur has not looked back in his faith. Arthur’s Ministry training is very important to him as a minister of the gospel.


Arthur has completed over 46 credit hours since 2016. He has been ordained as a commissioned pastor.


Arthur is ready to serve CLI students with their ministry journey and help them with their God-given purpose.

Andrew Simwnaza
First Name
Andrew Simwanza
Last Name
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

To Raise Up Revival Leaders!

Ministry Journey

My name is Andrew Simwanza. I am the founder and president of Chrisma Life Church, in Zambia, and author of the Kingdom Insight Devotional series. I have been resident of the ministry since September, 2015.

Early Life and Conversion

Read Andrew's Testimony:

I am the third born of five children; I was born in 1988. My parents were both health workers, but despite the fact, we were raised in the knowledge and fear of God. I did not give my life to Jesus until I was 10 April 1998 at the Nurses' Christian Fellowship, at Macha Mission Brethren In Christ Church (BICC).

Calling to Ministry

From the time I became a Child of God, I have always had the intense desire to share the new found salvation, the love, and the gospel. I found myself starting bible study groups, Christian singing, and ministering platforms in order to share the gospel. I didn't know that these were just the beginnings of a calling.

Because I was a very shy boy, public speaking was not one of my strong points, but I learned to master the fear through high school, at Chikankata High School, in Mazabuka. I also received confirmatory prophetic messages of the call on my life.

Ministry Training

Until CLI, I had never had formal ministry training. I am now a graduate of the institution with Diploma of Ministry

First Name
Douglas Mazimba
Last Name
Type of Minister
Ministry Journey

Douglas Mazimba. is 39 years old and a father and husband of three wonderful children whose names are Grace, Benjamin and Gauis His family lives in the rural part of Zambia in the Copperbelt.

Douglas gave his life to the Lord in 1993 after a lengthy battle with sin during the time when he thought within himself he had the power to stop sin. However, one Sunday morning, his friend invited Douglas to their church in an urban area. The Pastor was an old evangelist with an interpreter. When he stood to preach, it was like he was reading from what was written about Douglas's behavior. At the moment, Douglas thought maybe the ushers or some ladies have communicated to the Pastor concerning his life. He ended the message with the urgency to turn to the lord and ask for forgiveness. Without hesitation, Douglas ran to the front and asked Jesus to forgive him and to wash Douglas in his blood. Douglas had never experienced a message like that before.

Afterward, Douglas joined the church. The Pastor came and hugged him and whispered in his ear “ Jesus loves you, so do I”.  Douglas was wearing a shirt written “real savage”, and had spent the previous night selling drugs (cigarettes and alcohol).  He was producing a bad odor from the drugs but the pastor hugged him regardless and his nice perfume remained on Douglas's clothes.


Since then Douglas has started CLI in 2016 and completed 52 credit hours and is ordained as a commissioned minister. Douglas is now a pastor of a house church plant in his country.

John Mutapa
First Name
John Mutapa
Last Name
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

To raise up revival leaders!

Ministry Journey

John Mutapa lives in Lusaka, Zambia.  He is married, and God has blessed him with three lovely children. John is also a practicing Assistant Pastor at his local church. John became born again in 2002 after an evangelizing team from the USA visited his country. The team led John through the steps of salvation. This resulted in him accepting Jesus as Lord and Savior of his soul when he got baptized.


In 2016 John began his studies at CLI. Since then John has completed 163 credit hours and has received an associate of Divinity degree.


The  CLI  training program will equip him with vast knowledge for evangelizing to the world, his country, city and the community John lives in. John will be able to spread and teach the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ to the less privileged but also called by God. Through this, the great commission of Jesus Christ of having the gospel preached to the whole corners of the world will be attained.

Lazarus Banda
First Name
Lazarus Banda
Last Name
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

To raise up revival leaders!

Ministry Journey

Lazurus enrolled at CLI in 2016 and since then has completed 176 credit hours and is ordained as a commissioned minister.


Lazarus testimony in his own words:

My name is Lazarus Banda and I live in Lusaka, Zambia and I have a mentor call upon my life. God has blessed me with a loving wife Ketty, and we have four children together.

I am called to mentorship ministry. I thank God for the team the  Holy Spirit used to identify me as a mentor for Zambia.

Studying at CLI opened my eyes to a personal vision and that which Jesus Christ has called me for. Also, enrolling at Christian Leaders Institute, I held a Diploma in Biblical Studies from Emmaus Bible Centers of Zambia.

I joined Dunamis Christian Centre serving in different position and portfolios of leadership.  Then I was ordained as a Pentecostal Pastor. At this time, I was preaching door to door evangelism and organizing overnight prayer meetings.

Christian Leaders Institute training has helped me develop a strong foundation in the word. CLI will enable me to bring God’s Word more effectively.  Furthermore, the training has influenced me to trust the Lord.  I am influenced to keep learning in Biblical knowledge.




Peter Banda
First Name
Peter Banda
Last Name
Ministry Dream

To raise up revival leaders!

Ministry Journey

When Peter was a young boy, he loved staying indoors watching TV more especially movies. He would only go to
church on Sunday because he had no real understanding of Christianity.

It was on day 14 of April in 2009 when Peter had an encounter with the Lord. He was 16
years of age. It was in the youth camp, and on this particular night the preacher started preaching and he
emphasized a personal relationship with the Lord and also highlighting the consequences of living a
life without the life of Christ. What caught Peter's  attention was the statement: "living a life without
Christ is as good as a machine which seems to be alive simply because it functions, yet in the actual sense
there is no life in it’’.

Peter started pondering on this statement during the entire service, and when he was done preaching he
called for those who would like to receive Jesus and have a personal relationship with him. Peter was one of
the first people to rush in front. The preacher led them to Christ through the confession prayer and he laid
his hands on them, from there Peter really felt something which he is unable to explain and from within. He had this strong conviction and confidence that there is a shift which has happened in his life. Peter really didn’t feel his old self after that.

Then the camp had finished, Peter hungered for the word and prayer suddenly developed in him. He felt that he
couldn't really uphold himself alone. That same week on 17th April Peter talked to
three friends of his who had also received Christ. They then created a platform where they could discuss
the word of God and pray. From hence forth. seeking the face of the Lord and pursuing the
revelation of the knowledge of Him has been Peter's priority.

Peter completed his Associate of Divinity Degree with Christian Leaders Institute in 2019.