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Hector Valentin
Last Name
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

To reach many people in Canada and to raise up Christian Leaders!

Ministry Journey

Hector Valentin is over 50 years old from Toronto (Maple, ON) Canada. Hector is married and his wife supports his ministry. The Lord has guided his life toward his ministry calling.

Hector started Christian Leaders Institute in 2015. He has completed his Deacon minister ordination. He is passionate about reaching others and raising up leaders to reach other!

L6A 0J9
Hephzibah George
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

To raise up more revival leaders for ministry. To help young people grow in Christ

Ministry Journey

Hephzibah George is not just a housewife; she is a called revival leader. She came to Christ through her husband's witness while attending college. Her faith came alive when her son was healed from a life-threatening hole in his heart. She committed herself to serve Christ.

Hephzibah is called to help those in spiritual need. She desires to encourage young people and young Christian Leaders.

Hephzibah began Christian Leaders Institute in 2017. She is willing to help students and graduates in their ministry training and ordination with the Christian Leaders Alliance.

Herb Marr
Last Name
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

Herb is passionate about evangelism and raising up new Christian leaders.

Ministry Journey

Herb Marr lives in New Maryland, New Brunswick, Canada. He is over 60 years old and has retired from a career in the Canadian Armed Forces where he served in the Army and then the Air Force.

Herb married Lynn in 1989 and have raised three sons. Lynn is an administrative assistant working for the New Brunswick Government.

Herb was trained as an Evangelist in a three-year course graduating in 2002 and have worked as a Chaplain and minister in his community.

Herb's faith journey started as a child in Sunday School, but his faith became real to him after I fell away and was caught up in the disease of alcoholism. During my early days of sobriety, He was invited to attend Chapel by two fellow soldiers and soon after turned his life over to Christ.

Herb began Christian Leaders Institute in 2017. He has completed his deacon minister ordination, and he is willing to mentor others and guide them through the process of ordination at Christian Leaders Alliance.

E3C 1C8
First Name
Last Name
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

Being an evangelist to share and mentor fellow people in the Word of God.

Ministry Journey

My name is Godwin Ilori and I live in Barrie, Ontario. I am married with children.

I have the opportunity to go to a bible college where I obtained a certificate in Theology, but after I decided that I would rather do the work of the Lord for which he brought me into North America, I started doing a search on the internet where I can find a part-time bible college or seminary to attend, I then discovered about Christian Leaders Institute (CLI) and was extremely happy that I can be trained while still working my secular job until I can graduate and become a full-time Pastor in God’s vineyard. So far, I have taken some courses. Also, I have made a move to enroll for the Bachelor of Divinity as well which I am currently doing the mandated Collegiate Credential Class even though I wanted to take advantage of the previous degree acquired as exemption directly from the Associate of Divinity Degree.

Ministry Journey

I have assisted in planting two (2) churches in the process of running away from God’s assignment. Whenever I see someone who indicated that he was being called by God into the ministry, I would joined and assisted in prayers and setting up the church while leaving what is to be done undone. I am involved in evangelism and praying ministry.


The most recent ordination as a Deacon Minister during the 2019 convention in Michigan and the latest Christian Ministry Award has now set the tone for the ministry God has called me into. Though it is in my plan by God's grace to complete the Bachelor of Ministry Degree.

Personal Life

I am happily married with children and grandchildren.

L4M 0G3
Itai Zinzombe
First Name
Itai Zinzombe
Last Name
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

To raise up revival leaders!

Ministry Journey

Itai Zinzombe is married to Robert Zinzombe. They have been married 27 years. She is now a mother and a grandmother. Itai lives in Zimbabwe, a nation that has a large Christian community. Itai works with the government of Zimbabwe as Acting Directing in the Corporate Governance Unit.

Itai was born again when she was fourteen. Since then she has been working in the church of God in different capacities. Right now she is working with the International Revival International Ministries (ARIM) headed by Apostle Farai Mboti. The Ministry in a new planting and is three years Before she came to ARIM she was with the ZAOGA Forward in Faith International Ministries where Itai converted. Now she has followed Jesus for more than twenty years.

Itai enrolled at CLI in 2017. Since then she has completed 8 credit hours and is ordained as a deacon minister.

Itai is more than willing to serve and assist students who are studying at CLI.

James Babatunde
Last Name
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

To proclaim Christ and his healing presence to the world.

Ministry Journey

James Babatunde is originally from Nigeria. He married Alicia in 2007, and they have four children. Jame is a bi-vocational minister. He specialized in Security Equipment repairs and presently working as an Electronic Technician. James and Alicia are the founders of Speak Out Ministry. This online ministry preaches the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the World.

During Jame'es teenage year, he was not walking with God. Fueled by intense guilt, he gave his life to Christ to be saved. Shortly, after he felt the calling to ministry.

After moving to the United States and married Alicia they started ministry together.

James started Christian Leaders Institute in 2018. He is ordained as a deacon minister in the Christian Leaders Alliance. He is willing to encourage others.

James Phillips
Last Name
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

To raise up Christian Leaders for Revival!

Ministry Journey

James Phillips left home when was 17 years old and joined the USA army. He served one year in Viet Nam. He served in the US army for over 22 years in total.

James is married to his childhood sweetheart, and they have been married for half a century. They had three daughters and many grandchildren and even great-grandchildren.

James has been walking with the Lord for a long time and has sensed the calling to ministry.

He began CLI in 2016 and was ordained in 2018. He is willing to mentor others in their ministry training and through the ordination process at Christian Leaders Alliance.

Jay Breland
Last Name
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

Jay's calling is love and invite the lonely, broken, weak, outcast and forgotten to experience the freedom of God's amazing grace.

Ministry Journey

Jay is called to serve under his pastor to reach his community. His willing and servant's heart is modeled in his ministry.

Breland was born the youngest of 7 in Los Angles, CA in 1975. His parents were married twice, before getting divorced after his own birth. He was raised by his grandmother in Compton, CA

From my early age, Jay realized that God had his hand on him. His grandmother was a Christ-like example that impacted his life as she demonstrated, love compassion, Grace, and wisdom for me. By the age of 12, He sensed the call to ministry.

All was not perfect, however, in his youth. He was armed robbed by gunpoint and or knifepoint at least 5 times yet God intervened each and every single time.

He also developed a pornography habit, that eventually destroyed his own marriage. At age 36, he was divorced and had hit rock bottom.

Jay wrote, "I remember I felt like a failure because my behavior was an embarrassment to God during my marriage. "After the pity party, God once again spoke and said: 'therefore there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus'."

Years later and with God's restoring presence, Jay is now in his early 40s and walking with God. He has been tested and now serving under his local pastor. He has also obtained both a Master's Degree and PhD in Psychology.

He is willing to mentor others who are on the path of ministry.

Jay Mccaughtry
Last Name
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

To raise up more revival leaders in Indiana!

Ministry Journey

Jay McCaughtry is married to his wife Gayle and lives in Marion Indiana. Two of his children are grown and live in Pennsylvania. He has one step son and daughter.

He attending church occiasionally growing up. He enjoyed hearing about God from his grandparents. His parents had an abusive home that he left when he could. He sought to know the true God. He still prayed, He still read the Bible, He still loved God but He no longer wanted to be around God's people. Life came and many negative experiences came. God was faithful. Eventually God was calling him to ministry.

Jay started Christian Leaders Institute in 2017. He was ordained in 2018. He is willig to mentor Christain Leaders Institute students. He will also help CLI student to become ordained in the Christian Leaders Alliance.

Jim Ausfahl
Last Name
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

Jim seeks to bring physical and spiritual healing in Christ to his local community and the world. He is passionate about raising up Christian Leaders

Ministry Journey

Jim grew up in a home that was outwardly religious but with little other than an outward religion, though his maternal grandparents had a living faith. As a child, his parents were transferred to the British Isles, and at a Saturday outreach event, he was born again. At college, Jim was involved with IVCF which strengthened his faith. Returning to the Peoria area, he sat under the ministry of Dr. Bruce Dunn, which strengthened his faith.

Jim is not just an ordinary doctor. He is also passionate about the matters of the soul. For instance, he authored the book, The Brightstar Epistles, which is the mirror image of C. S. Lewis’ The Screwtape Letters, an experienced angel guiding another angel ministering to and overseeing a church on Earth.

At 65, Jim has no plans to retire at as a physician or no plans to slow down in his ministry dream.

Jim is willing to assist Christian Leaders Institute graduates to take their next step in ministry. He is willing to help those called to become ordained with the Christian Leaders Alliance.
