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David Meitzler
Last Name
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

To help revival leaders get launched to proclaim the gospel

Ministry Journey

David Marc Meitzler was born July 9, 1952, in Oak Park, Illinois. His wife Gloria and he lives in California, U.S.A. They have two adult sons. He is a retired military and served in two different branches for a total of thirty years.

He faced many challenges and he was guided back to church, reaffirmed his faith, and started a new pattern with the Lord. He completed college, get married, and served in the Army Reserve.

The call to pursue becoming a Chaplain had become profound. He started Christian Leaders Institute in 2014. He was ordained in 2017. He is willing to mentor Christian Leaders Students in his area that need help. He will also help those students to be ordained in the Christian Leaders Alliance.

David will offer to open up a Voluntary Mentor Center for minister training or ordination preparation in his church on two Saturdays if there is interest. Contact him if you are interested.

Additional Notes:

  • David prefers emails communication.
  • Ordination Documentation: In regards to being empowered as a 3rd party signature David would like to need to meet the ordination candidate in person.
Douglas Drake
Last Name
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

To minister to others and raise up revival leaders

Ministry Journey

Douglas Drake lives in San Diego, California. He and his wife Brenda celebrated their 30th wedding anniversary in March of 2017. They have two children, a son and a daughter, and two granddaughters. He retired from active duty in the U.S. Navy in 1999 and currently works as an Information Technology Support Manager for a global law firm.

His calling came early in his Navy career, around 1981, while he was in Seattle, Washington. Fifteen years later he surrendered his life to Christ and began his Christian walk.

Douglas found Christian Leaders Institute in 2017. He has excelled in his studies and was ordained in 2018 with the Christian Leaders Alliance. He is willing to mentor and help others on their ministry journey.

Jay Breland
Last Name
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

Jay's calling is love and invite the lonely, broken, weak, outcast and forgotten to experience the freedom of God's amazing grace.

Ministry Journey

Jay is called to serve under his pastor to reach his community. His willing and servant's heart is modeled in his ministry.

Breland was born the youngest of 7 in Los Angles, CA in 1975. His parents were married twice, before getting divorced after his own birth. He was raised by his grandmother in Compton, CA

From my early age, Jay realized that God had his hand on him. His grandmother was a Christ-like example that impacted his life as she demonstrated, love compassion, Grace, and wisdom for me. By the age of 12, He sensed the call to ministry.

All was not perfect, however, in his youth. He was armed robbed by gunpoint and or knifepoint at least 5 times yet God intervened each and every single time.

He also developed a pornography habit, that eventually destroyed his own marriage. At age 36, he was divorced and had hit rock bottom.

Jay wrote, "I remember I felt like a failure because my behavior was an embarrassment to God during my marriage. "After the pity party, God once again spoke and said: 'therefore there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus'."

Years later and with God's restoring presence, Jay is now in his early 40s and walking with God. He has been tested and now serving under his local pastor. He has also obtained both a Master's Degree and PhD in Psychology.

He is willing to mentor others who are on the path of ministry.

Kenneth Booth
Last Name
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

To bear fruit and to minister to other Christian Leaders!

Ministry Journey

Kenneth Booth is first a child of the most High God, a husband and dad of three beautiful girls and one handsome boy. He is a minister of the gospel called by God to serve. He has an Associates degree in computer information systems and she a licensed Realtor. He was raised up in the church and sang in the choir, taught Sunday school where my dad Pastors. He joined the Marine Corps and he is a combat veteran.

He joined National Association of Christian Ministers in 2009 and became independently ordained through through this ministry of which he is still in good standing. He is now apart of Koinonia Life Ministries where he is currently serving as Administrator, Minister, and overseer of our Homeless Ministry. He is on mission every day to show the Love of Jesus Christ to everyone I meet. He loves sharing the gospel and praying for others. God has blessed me with the courage to pray for others in public where ever I may be and I love to see the impact God makes on others. Since I've been apart of CLI I have learned a great deal and many of the misconceptions and misinterpretations have made me better equipped serve others. I will continue to learn as the Holy Spirit leads me.

Since becoming a student at CLI, he has finished all the courses for the Christian Leaders Diploma and his knowledge of scripture is increasing as he continue towards the Bachelor of Divinity.

He has learned that his life's purpose is for the Glory of the Father and glorify Him by loving and serving others. Everything the Father entrusts to his care ( ex. His wife, children, home, finances, work, and most importantly His Word just to name a few) that he has a responsibility to bear fruit. His outlook on life is at a different vantage point and is constantly improving as he learns at CLI.

He is ordained as a Deacon Minister through the Christian Leader Alliance and is serving as an executive Pastor currently!

Pacifico Mapanao
Ministry Dream

To raise up revival leaders

Ministry Journey

Pacifico was saved on August 7, 1983. He is married to a God-given lovely wife and we have two beautiful sons.

Pacifico has served as an Elder of the church since 2009. His family is part of a church planting team.

Just recently, Pacifico has sensed the strong call to ministry He started Christian Leaders Institute in 2018 and was also ordained in 2018. He is willing and ready to assist others through the ministry training journey and ordination.
