Ministry Dream To help people put God first in their life. Help raise up Christian Leaders!
Ministry Journey Michael La Tulippe lives in Waterbury Connecticut. He is married to Michelle; together we have three amazing daughters. He has felt called into ministry for a long time. For many years he fought God and enjoyed the way of the world.
In July of ’85, Michael had a serious car accident which left him close to death. He spent the next several months in hospitals, therapy, and rehabilitation. There was a point in time when doctors said Michael might never walk. He suffered head trauma which had paralyzed his left side. His parents, church, family, and his immediate family; they never stopped praying and giving it to God during my healing process. After the ordeal. He began to turn back to my upbringing and focus more on Jesus-Christ.
After a divorce, after a period of time, Michael met Michelle. The have been married for over 23 years. She is a godly woman.
God was at work in the life of Michael. You can read the full story in his profile.
Michael started Christian Leaders Institute in 2017. He has been ordained as a deacon minister and is willing to mentor others in their ministry training journey toward ordination.