Displaying listings from Africa → Ghana.

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Emmanuel Daanoba Sunkari
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

To raise up more revival leaders in Europe!

Ministry Journey

Emmanuel Daanoba Sunkari is from Ghana-West Africa but lives in Turkey.

His Christian upbringing shaped his mission and vision in Ghana. He is a professor at a college in Turkey. He became a Christian at a young age and he has been called to raise up revival leaders.

Emmanuel started Christian Leaders Institute in 2016 and was ordained in 2017. He is willing and ready to help mentor Christian Leaders Institute Graduates in Turkey. He will also help with ordination to the Christian Leaders Alliance.

Mavis Jomle
Last Name
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

To reach women for Christ; women who lost hope and who need New Life! To bring more revival to Ghana

Ministry Journey

Mavis Jomie was exposed to Christianity with she was young. Many trials came her way from sickness to abuse. She was aware of God, but she kept God at arm's length. After one of her trials, the presence of God became more real and directed her in tangible ways. She met her husband, was able to study in Amsterdam and even had an opportunity to preach.

A calling to ministry was born. She finished her education and returned to Ghana where as a younger Christian Leaders has been called to help reach her nation for Christ. Her particular passion is to help women.

Mavis began Christian Leaders Institute in 2013. In 2018, she was ordained as a deacon minister. She is willing to mentor CLI students in Ghana and help them get ordained into the Christian Leaders Alliance.

Thomas Opoku Darkwah
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

To reach young people and youth. To raise up more revival leaders.

Ministry Journey

Thomas Opoku Darkwah from Ghana is married to Sandra and they are blessed with three beautiful children. He has been walking with the Lord and serving in his local church as an Elder.

Thomas began studying at Christian Leaders Institute in 2015. He was ordained in 2018. He is willing to assist others in their ministry training and ordination in the Christian Leaders Alliance.