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Jay Mccaughtry
Last Name
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

To raise up more revival leaders in Indiana!

Ministry Journey

Jay McCaughtry is married to his wife Gayle and lives in Marion Indiana. Two of his children are grown and live in Pennsylvania. He has one step son and daughter.

He attending church occiasionally growing up. He enjoyed hearing about God from his grandparents. His parents had an abusive home that he left when he could. He sought to know the true God. He still prayed, He still read the Bible, He still loved God but He no longer wanted to be around God's people. Life came and many negative experiences came. God was faithful. Eventually God was calling him to ministry.

Jay started Christian Leaders Institute in 2017. He was ordained in 2018. He is willig to mentor Christain Leaders Institute students. He will also help CLI student to become ordained in the Christian Leaders Alliance.
