Ministry Dream To minister to as many people as possible with the love of Christ!
Ministry Journey Aidan Miller Arnold is married to his beautiful wife. They have two children. He has an amazing set of parents. They lost his dad at the beginning of last year he had COPD. Aidan was raised in a split household of the Catholic/ Lutheran religion. His mother then decided to switch to the Methodist faith. When his father died his mother needed help with the family photography business.
Aidan has always wanted to be in a position that he could help people. He would like to get a diploma in divinity so that he may have all the tools and knowledge so that he can help as many people as possible. He is a very people-focused person, If they need help or just need to talk he can listen to them for as long as they need.
He would like to get my Bachelors and Masters Degree in Divinity. CLI will help him get the degrees required for him to be able to enlist in the Army and be able to become a chaplain with them and help them in any situations that may occur during his enlistment and potential career.
He was ordained as a Deacon Minister with the Christian Leaders Alliance in 2018!