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Edward Kimathi Ayub
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

Bring revival to his community and Africa. He and his wife have a profound passion to spread God's love!

Ministry Journey

Edward Kimathi Ayub is the founder of Alpha Worship Charity Church (AWCC) which was launched on 13th May 2018. He also co-founded the Impact Training and Counseling Centre in 2009 with his wife Felicity. They live in Mombasa, a predominantly Muslim city on the Kenyan Coast in East Africa.

Edward was born in 1973. He accepted Christ as his savior in the year 1990 after being involved in drugs for some three years. His conversion happened through watching the Jesus' film.

After he received Jesus as the savior of his life in 1990, Edward was discipled by Christian Union Leaders in the School where he was studying in high school. He began to experience a very strong desire to share the word of God with others. He went through some local training.

Ever since, he has been preaching and teaching the Word of God. Edward began studies at Christian Leaders Institute in 2013. He has completed many credential levels. He was ordained with the Christian Leaders Alliance in 2018.

He is willing to mentor Christian Leaders and help them become ordained in the Christian Leaders Alliance.

Gladys Kibui
Last Name
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

To encourage every Christian Leader to be healthy physically, emotionally, spiritually and socially so that they are effectively reaching out to the unreached with the Gospel.

Ministry Journey

Gladys Kibui is the mother of two adult girls. She came to know Christ as her personal Savior and Lord. She is a missionary working with Caring Friends Ministries, a frontier mission to the unreached in the Horn of Africa.

She has been active in promoting Christian Leaders Institute. She started taking classes in 2014. She was ordained with the Christian Leaders Alliance in 2017.

She is willing to mentor those at CLI in Kenya, especially women who need assistance. She will support new CLI students and help with ordination into the Christian Leaders Alliance.

Gladys has a great passion for missionary care. Her goal is to see every missionary physically, emotionally, spiritually and socially healthy so that they are effective in reaching the unreached with the Gospel.

Kitala Fabrice
Last Name
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

To minister to people in his area as well as mentor other Christian leaders!

Ministry Journey

Kitala Fabrice is married to Nanga Mulasi Bugeru she is a beautiful and humble wife that he loves so much. They have two blessed children.

He was baptized on 21 May,2011 in the Democratic Republic of Congo .After that he started preaching with other youth in his church, He is visiting hospitals and preaching during the dawn in the communities at around 5:oo am. He joined also the choir. He did all these services without any training which means that He was using the little resources he had. Since he joined CLI, he felt something different in him concerning his career in the ministry. He got a lot of knowledge and skills from CLI. He was having a lot of confusion about women ministry, baptism, and the Lord Supper. From now, he will be able to train and preach without any problems the above-mentioned topics and other things that he has a Christian from CLI now knows.

He is ordained as a Deacon Minister with the Christian Leaders Alliance.
