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Gregory Mcdowell
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

To share the word of God with the lost and mentor other Christian leaders.

Ministry Journey

Gregory McDowell lives in Oxford, Maine in the United States. He has been blessed by God with a loving wife and two wonderful children. He disabled US Veteran he currently works in the entertainment/ hospitality industry.

Read his testimony in his own words.

"Since, being reborn a little over nine years ago, wanting and being felt drawn to do more for the Lord in 2011 I began an internet evangelist ministry Good Day In YHWH. The ministry uses blogging, podcasting, YouTube, and social media. I would like to do more locally, with jail/ prison, senior homes, hospital, and first responder ministry. In the future there maybe a church plant, but that is all in His plan. It is my belief that Christian Leaders Institute help me attain the proper training and credentials I will need for this calling and also feel the Lord has lead me here to this ministry.

Being 48yrs old it would be very difficult for me relocate a scholarship through the Christian Leaders Institute will help me achieve these goals through their online courses and still be able to do my current vocation and current ministry missions."

Gregory got ordained as a Deacon Ministers with CLA in 2017.
