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Francis Dave Mabborang
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

To mobilize a new generation of Christian Leaders in the Philippines.

Ministry Journey

Francis Dave Mabborang was born in 1997. He is part of the young generation that is seeking the Lord. Francis received a vision to become a warrior for Christ. In this vision, he was called to ministry.

Dave started Christian Leader Institute in 2016. He was ordained with the Christian Leaderes Alliance in 2018.

He is willing to mentor, especially young Christian Leaders in their walks and callings to ministry. Francis will also assist people in their ordinations.

Randy Kabiling
Last Name
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

To bring revival to the Philippines.

Ministry Journey

Randy Kabiling is a teacher in the Department of Education in the Philippines. He was married in April 2013 and have already two kids.

He accepted Jesus Christ as his personal Lord and Savior in 2001 during the Daily Vacation Bible School. He was called to ministry. He serves as a pastor in Full of Grace Family Christian Church of the Philippines Incorporated.

Randy began studying at Christian Leaders Institute in 2016. He was ordained in 2018. He is willing to mentor students and graduates of Christian Leaders Institute. He will also help them become ordained with the Christian Leaders Alliance.

Reynaldo Del Rosario
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

To raise up Christian Leaders for revival. To spread Christianity in the Philippines.

Ministry Journey
Rey and Juvy were called by God into the ministry as a couple, and have been in full time calling since 2006. They have four sons all young adults and the two are now living on their own."

"During the last quarter of 2017, Rey began studying at Christian Leaders Institute as an already trained and ordained pastor. He was awarded a scholarship in February 2018, and continued his education with CLI. He has also been ordained with the Christian Leaders Alliance.

He is willing to mentor Christian Leaders Institute students and graduates in their ministry training journey and through their ordination with the Christian Leaders Alliance. He will also leverage Raphah Prayer Counseling and Healing Ministry to open the door for a local mentor center for those who need an internet connection for study with Christian Leadership Institue.