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Justin Halbersma
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

Reach his community with the gospel of Jesus Christ! Help raise up more leaders!

Ministry Journey

Justin Halbersma is married to a Godly woman named Emily, and as of right now, they have no children.

Justin is self-employed as well as working retail part-time. He can't honestly say when the Lord graciously saved him in Christ, as he grew up in a Christian home. His teen years were full of confusion as he began exploring the world around me. He attended a public school, but something kept him from following the destructive paths his friends were on. While they were out partying, he was content to go to the Friday night hockey game and spend an evening playing video games and watching Hockey Night in Canada.

He became keenly aware on August 2, 1999, that God was pursuing him and he fell on my knees that afternoon and confessed to Him that he needed to be saved.

The calling to ministry came, and he started Christian Leaders Institute in 2014 and received his Bachelor of Divinity degree and has been ordained as a minister of the Word in the Christian Leaders Alliance.

He is willing to mentor others by email or in person. He will help with Christian Leaders Alliance ordination.