Ministry Dream To plant churches and raise up revival leaders
Ministry Journey Andy Elliott is a follower of Jesus, husband, father of four, business owner and pastor of a new church plant named, The Beat Church, in the greater Austin, TX area.
Although he was raised in the church he turned to alcohol, pornography, and anger. He believes much of this stemmed from doors opened after having my first sexual contact at the age of 5 with an older male cousin. He praises God for a friend who brought him to a pastors house at 3 am passed out drunk in the back of his car. It was an ugly beginning but proved to be the turning point to restoring his relationship with Jesus.
He began Christian Leaders Institute in 2016. He received his Bachelor of Divinity and is now ordained as a minister of the Word in the Christian Leaders Alliance. He is willing to mentor CLI students and help them become ordained in the Christian Leaders Alliance.