Ministry Dream He seeks to serve those in nursing homes and to raise up more leaders for ministry.
Ministry Journey Palmer Stephens is married to Michelle, and they have three children, two boys and their youngest is a girl.
Palmer has been blessed with the role of stay at home dad for the past seven years. His family life is very busy as Michelle keeps pace with the rigors of business ownership. He is involved with various ministries within their local church.
Palmer came to the lord at the age of 27 in 1995, and He was baptized in 2004. Since hearing the call to serve and He has been led to a position as a Chaplain in a nursing home.
He is the Provincial Director for the Community Chaplain Service. He has been used by God and sees seniors across this vast land of Ontario Canada come to know the gift of Salvation through acceptance of Jesus Christ as their savior!
Palmer began Christian Leaders Institute in 2014. His ordained as an officiant minister. He is willing to help mentor others through the ordination process.