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Michael Perin
Last Name
Type of Minister
Ministry Journey

Before Michael found Christ, his life was going in the wrong direction, breaking the law,or just being unfriendly.
He was home shaving when I felt a holy feeling and heard “believe!”. After that, he explored CLI casting his interest into serving the lord. After that moment Michael's eyes were open and he started reading the Bible and sharing the gospel.
Michael found his love and married her and have two wonderful daughters and he loves caring for them.
Michael and his neighbor created a house church. It's not much except a few families worshipping together.

Michael Vititoe
Last Name
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

To minister through the power of the Holy Spirit to reach the lost and bring hope to a hurting world.

Ministry Journey

Michael Vititoe lives in Urbandale, Iowa a suburb of Des Moines. He has a loving wife, with 2 children who are their life. He is disabled from working in the towing industry for 25 yrs. He operated tractor-trailer wrecker and his primary focus was on accidents. He is a grandson of a long line of Pentecostal preachers of small country churches. He would be the first to answer the calling with a post-high school education. When he was first called to preach the gospel he got my feet wet preaching as guest speaker or evangelist. When God called him to pastor church he got scared and ran from God but God never let go, He used the mistakes of Michael choices to His glory.

He feels God is calling him to be minister to the bereaved and low income. He has a heart for those who have lost a loved one whether it be by natural death or tragedy. He wants to bring God's word into their lives to comfort and assure those affected by death. And use the death of a loved one or friend, to lead the lost to Christ.

Being a Ordained Officiant allows Michael to minister to people when they are searching for answers. He thinks people are searching for hope which we all know the only hope is that from Christ. In the time of bereavement, people are searching for a hope for themselves and the loved one that has passed. Bringing the word to these will allow him to plant the seed and harvest what I have not planted.
