Ministry Journey Myron Raney is a Senior Pastor of the Remnant Fellowship of Christ Ministries in Columbus, Ohio. He is also employed with Ohio Health Corporation as a Variance Analyst but has been blessed to spend more time serving in ministry on a daily basis than working for his employer. He is a single father of two children, Makayla and Mycah.
Read more of his testimony
"I grew up in church but didn't really establish a relationship with Jesus until I was nineteen. That is when I gave my life to Jesus, accepting Him as my Lord and Savior, and was baptized by full water emersion.
I am a firm believer that wisdom is key and an understanding is even more important (Proverbs 4:7). I earned my Ph.D. in 2008 and am an advocate for lifelong learning. I plan to use my training in a number of ways but in three that are of great importance and that are immediate goals. The first is to enhance my knowledge and skill sets as a pastor particularly in the areas of pastoral care, hermeneutics, and apologetics. The second is by example to encourage members of our ministry team and congregation to seek formal training and continuing education. The third is to evaluate the courses offered at Christian Leaders Institute and adopt them as requirements for our ministry trainees.
A Christian Leadership Institute scholarship will allow me to achieve my goals as aforementioned. Above all, taking these classes would allow me to continue to be a living testimony to Christ that He is our Jehovah-Jireh (The LORD our provider)."
Myron was ordained as a Small Group Minister in 2018!