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Caroline James
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Caroline James
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Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

To raise up revival leaders!

Ministry Journey

Caroline started CLI in 2015 and since then has completed 40 credit hours with an officiant minister certificate.

Caroline's Testimony:

My name is Caroline James, I live in a coastal city called Durban in South Africa. I am a mother to three grown-up children all of whom are married. I have five grandchildren whom I adore!
I have always loved the Lord from a very young age and have felt a strong call of God on my life. I am very blessed to be able to minister in the Hospitals to the sick. I generally minister to the hospice patients and I am always so humbled and undone by God's incredible goodness and mercy. The training which I have received through CLI has helped me to grow in so many different ways. It has also given me the knowledge I need to fulfill God's calling for my life. I believe that I am called to minister to the sick and set the captives free as I have deep compassion for people who are hurting and in need. And of course most importantly to tell the world about the love of Jesus.
I would like to thank CLI for providing such outstanding high-quality Ministry training and I shall certainly continue with my studies.
If you feel lead to pray for me, please may I ask that you pray that I fulfill God's plan and purpose for my life.

Deidre (Sassman) Dominick
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

Bring revival to women.

Ministry Journey

Deidre (Sassman) Dominick is married and the mother of 2 incredible boys. The first encounter she had with God was when she was 6yrs old. She was got saved when I was 14. She is connected to a Pentecostal worldview.

She has always felt a strong desire to see not just revival in the church, but Christians receiving the revelation of the love of God and centering him in the church and in their lives.

Deidre as called over 15 years ago. She began studying at Christian Leaders Institute in 2018. She was also ordained in 2018.

Esihle Mboyana
Last Name
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

To help raise up a new generation of revival leaders in South Africa

Ministry Journey

In October 2012, Esihle Mboyana with his wife, Maria, and daughter relocated to Johannesburg from Cape Town.

Esihle Mboyana was raised in a Christian home by a Godly single mother. He walked with the Lord early on but had a time of straying.

Then, on March 30, 2010, when a life shuttering occurrence came into his life. Only the Lord could revive and strengthen him during that period. On that day he took the walk of salvation much more seriously and re-accept/re-affirm my faith in Christ once again as my Lord and personal Savior.

Shortly after this, Esihle sensed the call into ministry. He began Christian Leaders Institute in 2016. He was ordained in the Christian Leaders Alliance in 2017.

He is willing to mentor young Christian Leaders who are studying at Christian Leaders Institute. He will also help with ordination into the Christian Leaders Alliance.

George Mabaso
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Type of Minister
Ministry Journey

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Jac Ferreira
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Jac Ferreira
Last Name
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

To Raise up Revival Leaders!

Ministry Journey

Jac Ferreira from the beautiful country of South Africa. He is married and has four children, one girl, and three boys.  Jac enrolled in CLI in 2014 has completed 100 credit hours and now is ordained as an officiant minister.

Read Jac's Testimony in his own words:

I got to know the Lord better at the age of 13 and I also wanted to become a pastor and to work for the Lord when I finished school, and when asked to do an assignment for the job you are interested in, in my high school the next year, Reverent Brandt helped me to put all together.. Unfortunately, I did like Lot and did not respond immediately and follow a different way.

I got married but making money and the world kept me from one of my greatest passions which is family. although we kind of followed the Lord, I was still busy with worldly things more than I was supposed to. Things were falling apart, and nothing seemed to work. We lost everything and The Holy Spirit made it clear to me, that i"m not following my calling, and that I was not listening to the Lord. and that He had a different plan for me. 

I spend 4 years of falling around trying to get the Institute God wanted. Today I am a satisfied student of CLI and enjoy my studies so much. My wife is in full-time ministry with me and its the most awesome feeling in the world to work for the Lord, and having the most honest and caring boss! Since we started to rely on Him, we never worked for any salary of a human being, and by the Grace of our Lord, He had been looking after us an providing as promised! 

JJ Kruger
Last Name
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

To bring revival to South Africa

Ministry Journey

JJ Kruger works as a manager at a local shop. His walk of faith with our Lord Jesus Christ started after the 1st of 2 armed robberies that He fell victim to, during the robbery He pleaded with God to deliver me from that ordeal and vowed to give his heart to Him. The Lord is true to His word and heard my cry in his darkest hour and so it began. He was baptized and the Lord carried him through the 2nd armed robbery and called him to ministry.

JJ has the support of his local church and of his pastor, his family also play a big part in his walk of faith.

He started Christian Leaders Institute in 2016 and was ordained in 2017. He is willing to mentor CLI students in their ministry training and through the ordination process with the Christian Leaders Alliance.
