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Christian Ferris
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

To raise up more revival leaders

Ministry Journey

Christian Ferris is married to Brenda. They have two children Jordan (21), and Olivia (16). He served in the US Army directly out of high school. Christian did two tours of combat, one in Panama for "Operation Just Cause" and the second being "Operation Desert Shield/ Storm."

Over the past 22 years, He has had many vocations including Salesman, CPS Investigator, Middle School Teacher, and Insurance Broker. After a financial setback, but God used this opportunity to revive his faith and call him to ministry. He has served various ministry positions at his local church.

Christian began Christian Leaders Institute in 2017 and he was ordained in 2018. He is already mentoring CLI students and is willing to help more. Contact him by email.

Craig Smith
Last Name
Ministry Dream

To raise up more Christian Leaders for North Carolina revival.

Ministry Journey

Anthony Craig Smith, who goes by his middle name, "Craig." Craig is married and has two children, who they homeschool. He was raised in a Christian home and spent most of his education in a Christian school. He was saved in the third grade.

Craig called to home disciple his family with his wife. Craig started Christian Leaders Institute in 2016 and was ordained 2017. He is willing to mentor new CLI students and assist them through the ordination process.

Dale Parker
Last Name
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

To help train and support Christian Leaders in his area!

Ministry Journey

Dale Parker is from White River Junction Vermont. He is 61 years old, he was widowed at the end of 2016.

Growing up his family always had a strong faith. His grandfather founded a church, his uncle a church planter, there has been a long line of church builders in his family history. His father went home to the Lord when I was a teenager. The minister of one of his dads relatives came to his house to try and explain Jesus to him. Dale knew more about the Lord than the Pastor did. Dale turned away from religion at about 18 years old.

He still had a strong faith and studied on his own returning to bible studies in my late 20's, At that time a good friend was having home bible studies. Finding the saving grace of God was such an effervescent feeling he knew the way to go. Soon his studies took me beyond what he was teaching.

In the area he lives there are many churches, and non christian religions. Most fall short of knowing and teaching the word of God.

CLI will help him fulfill the dreams of helping to save more of Gods children. With a house church ministry, and with Gods help, pastor of a church. He is now leading prayer meetings, and bible studies. When he was ordained with CLI as a Officiant Minister in 2018 his local church has asked him to assist, leading the congregation when the senior pastor is away.

Dana Rioux
Last Name
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

To share the Gospel of Christ and be God's faithful leader! Also, support and mentor other CLI students!

Ministry Journey

Dana Rioux have always been a Christian, born in a small USA town to a French Catholic family and attended parochial school taught by Franciscan sisters until grade 8. He became an altar boy during those years and received religious instruction from the sisters until I entered high school.

He lived in a strict family environment where they recited the rosary every night as a family. Completed a bachelor's degree in Teacher Education with a specialization in French. After some years of teaching, he returned to college and earned a master's degree in the Teaching of French (M.A.T.) His wife Jean and him were married in a Methodist Church and have no children.

He is currently a Deacon for the Washburn Church in Sherman, Maine and has been providing worship services for the past four months. CLI training is important to Dana and he hopes that this pathway will provide the background that will enable me to continue to do so. His church no longer has a minister and the congregation has asked him to continue as its spiritual leader.

Dana Rioux feels privileged to be able to serve God in this way and hope that this new endeavor will enhance his knowledge of the Holy Scriptures and will enable him to deliver to others, as God calls him to do.

Daniel Jagessar
Last Name
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

To raise up Christian Leaders in my region.

Ministry Journey

Daniel Jagessar was born on the island of New Providence in the Bahamas. Daniel has completed his Bachelor's of Science Degree in Physics & Engineering concentrating in Pre-Engineering.

Daniel has been walking with the Lord for many years. He is called to bi-vocation ministry. Daniel started Christian Leaders Institute in 2017 and was ordained in 2018. He is willing and ready to mentor Christian Leaders Institue student and help them through the ordination process at Christian Leaders Alliance.

David Dumas
Last Name
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

To serve as an ordained leader and mentor other Christian leaders.

Ministry Journey

David Dumas is married to my wonderful wife for 16 years and they have two sons. He has a job as a security services provider.

Read in David's word a little bit about him:

"I was a late comer to the Christian Faith, if not for my wife I may have never found my way here. I joined the church which my wife attended in 2009 after attending for a time prior to. I found that it afforded me time to be a positive influence for my oldest son (my youngest had not arrived yet).

I have decided to pursue ministry training and this path as a way to spread the word I have come to hold dear. My community as well as others are in need of more people to spread God's good word and works. I hope moving forward to aid my community as a chaplain to our local law enforcement agencies, to our troubled youth, and eventually as a Pastor to my Church. I have no vision of grandeur, or fame, no hopes of becoming a monetarily rich man. I want to be rich in life to fill the lives of others with the word of God and news of the coming of our Savior Jesus Christ."

David is an ordained Officiant Minister with the Christian Leaders Alliance.

Deborah Davis
Last Name
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

To serve, mentor and care for others as a Christian Leader!

Ministry Journey

Deborah Davis is an ordained officiant minister with CLI. As an ordained officiant, she will be able to perform religious ceremonies, and ordinances of the church such as communions, baptisms, and weddings.

As an ordained minister she is qualified to serve as the leader of a church ministry.

She has a passion to serve the community and church!

This free ministry training is preparing her for the role of a minister. Without this free training, she would not have the knowledge she has gained. She does not know of anywhere else one can receive free, quality, ministry training.

Greg Davis
Last Name
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

To raise up Christian Leaders for Revival

Ministry Journey

Greg Davis is married to his wonderful wife Kendra and they have a son and daughter. He has walked with the Lord and sensed the calling into ministry, possibly full-time ministry someday.

He has been actively serving in ministry for many years now at this local church. He has been a leader in the Celebrate Recovery program.

Greg has led home and family Bible studies plus small groups for men.

Greg began Christian Leaders Institute in 2014, he was ordained in 2018. He is willing to mentor Christian Leaders Students and graduate through their studies and through the ordination process with Christian Leaders Alliance.

Greg Gussy
Last Name
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

To raise up more revival leaders in Florida!

Ministry Journey

Greg Gussy is married and his one daughter. Greg was raised in a Catholic church but came to personal faith over a decade ago. He is involved with a non denominational church here in St Petersburg Florida where he lives.

He has sensed the calling to ministry and started Christian Leaders Institute in 2016. He was ordained in 2018. He is willing to mentor graduates and student in their ministry training and through the ordination process at Christian Leaders Alliance.

Greg Walker
Last Name
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

To be used by God to encourage and raise up Men and Women in Ministry who are sold out for Christ. To bring revival everywhere.

Ministry Journey

Greg Walker has been married to his wife Jean since 1989, and they have two sons. Greg developed a vital faith attending his local church and some of the renewal ministries.

Greg has served as an Elder and Deacon at this local church. He has also received a personal calling to serve Christ in ministry. He has been active on the Christian Leaders Network, encouraging CLI students on a regular basis!

Greg began studying at Christian Leaders Institute early in 2017 and was ordained later that year. He is an encourager and will be willing to mentor Christian Leaders Institute students and help them with their ordination with the Christian Leaders Alliance.
