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Arthur Kufahakutizwi Mutambara
First Name
Arthur Kufahakutizwi Mutambara
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

To raise up revival leaders!

Ministry Journey

Arthur Kufahakutizwi Mutambara is from Harare Zimbabwe. Born in the year 1970 in a Christian family. Arthur is married to Pamela and they are blessed with two daughters. He lives in a country that defies all the odds to survive, Zimbabwe.

In the face of all the challenges that Zimbabwe goes through, it is are a nation hungry for God.

It has always been Arthur’s desire to teach and mentor others. However, he could not dare start doing this without a formal course that would provide him with the required expertise. Arthur knew he is called to bring revival to his community. He had no clue how he could accomplish his calling.  Therefore, he searched the web for high-quality free online Bible school classes suitable for ministry training.

When Arthur came across Christian Leaders Institute, he knew that this would be his new home. He hungrily registered. Then, after starting and a few months of hard work resulted in his ordination. He also completed his Commissioned Pastor Diploma. Arthur started CLI in 2016 and has completed over 100 credit hours thus far! Through CLI, Arthur found exposure to quality training. He has always had a desire of working for the community in which he grew up. Arthur was greatly inspired by the Prophet Anna, the daughter of Penuel in Luke 2:37.  Anna is said to have worked daily in the temple of the Lord. It is Arthur’s intention to dedicate my time to the work of God.