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Laurie Rowland
Last Name
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

Inspired by the Word of God as a new believer in her early 20’s Laurie started writing poems and giving them to friends, family, and associates as the Lord would lead as a way to express her faith and love for Jesus

Ministry Journey

Her ministry dream is to partner with other Christian leaders, ministries, churches and outreach centers to teach, disciple and mentor new Women believers and Women's Christian Leaders. Her passion is the women are fully rooted and grounded in the word in order to avoid going astray or shipwrecking their faith. She has written devotionals for women.

Laurie has a pastor’s heart for women, who were raised in the church but have fallen away, or baby Christians that were not disciplined and never grew their faith. The Lord has put so many of them in them in her path; disillusioned by legalism and “religion” they are hungry for Gospel of truth and grace. She has ministered to women who have been successful in business but found their lives empty.
