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Antonia Davis
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Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

To raise up Christan Leaders for revival. To reach teens for Christ and plant a house church.

Ministry Journey

Antonia and her husband Toran serve the Lord together in ministry. She has two children and has planted a house church together.

Her walk with Christ strengthened after she met her husband to be around 2008. They were married in 2010. She has a passion for teens and their struggles.

Antonia began her studies at Christian Leaders Institute in 2017 and was ordained in 2018. She and her husband are willing to mentor CLI students in their ministry training and ordination with the Christian Leaders Alliance.

Kelly Boland
Last Name
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

To minister to those experiencing lost in chaplaincy! Also, to mentor and encourage other Christian Leaders.

Ministry Journey

Kelly Boland was adopted into a family that didn't go to church except on holidays and told her she was free to believe whatever it is that she wanted and she was always interested in religion and spirituality. When she moved, she met a neighbor who became her best friend and her family would invite Kelly to church every Sunday. Kelly was so excited to go and join her, however, when she would go to church with her and her family she would get grounded upon returning home. Unfortunately, her family moved a couple years later and there was no way for her to continue to attend this particular church. She went to many different churches teaching many different things and was baptized into 6 different religions. She absolutely love reading the word and immersing herself into the churches activities.

She has had all four grandparents pass away, as well as friends, neighbors, and a boyfriend long ago. She remember when my grandfather was going to and from chemotherapy and he was was sick all the time. She would sit with him and tell him she loved him. She was 16 at the time, and she was told a lot to go outside or leave the room. She wanted to console him and her Grandma too! She remember sitting with him and hearing him talk about what heaven would be like and how he was ready to see his mom and dad again and how she shouldn't be afraid for him or worry because he would be with Jesus. A passion has been ignited within Kelly, since that day, to bring word of God's love to those who are sick or dying through Chaplaincy or being a Funeral Minister and to give hope to their families that they will see their loved ones again and how to have a relationship with Jesus Christ, who makes it possible.

Kelly was ordained as a Women's Minister in 2018 with the Christian Leaders Alliance!

Laurie Rowland
Last Name
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

Inspired by the Word of God as a new believer in her early 20’s Laurie started writing poems and giving them to friends, family, and associates as the Lord would lead as a way to express her faith and love for Jesus

Ministry Journey

Her ministry dream is to partner with other Christian leaders, ministries, churches and outreach centers to teach, disciple and mentor new Women believers and Women's Christian Leaders. Her passion is the women are fully rooted and grounded in the word in order to avoid going astray or shipwrecking their faith. She has written devotionals for women.

Laurie has a pastor’s heart for women, who were raised in the church but have fallen away, or baby Christians that were not disciplined and never grew their faith. The Lord has put so many of them in them in her path; disillusioned by legalism and “religion” they are hungry for Gospel of truth and grace. She has ministered to women who have been successful in business but found their lives empty.

Rebecca Simmons
Last Name
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

Rebecca's ministry dream to save souls and change lives for Jesus Christ. It her ministry dream to empower God's people through the preaching and teaching of His Word from the Bible.

Ministry Journey

Rebbecca have been a born-again Christian since 1994. Prior to giving her life to the Lord, She had been meeting different men who shared the gospel with her and prayed for her, but she was determined not to get saved. One night, while She was out getting ready to get drunk, the Lord sent a man into the bar to talk to me about Jesus. He just happened to know her sister and her boyfriend and asked for a personal introduction to Rebbeca.

Once they were introduced to each other, they spent the rest that time in that bar connecting with each other. After the bar closed, they sat in her car and talked. He told Rebbeca about having recently gotten saved and how much he loved his church. Then he invited Rebecca to church. They became friends and eventually, Rebecca went to church with him. When she walked in the door of the church, she felt like she had come home. Eventually she gave my life to the Lord. She has gone to church ever since.

Rebecca married that man. He became a pastor.

Her husband and she minister at the local level at their church. She has learned so much they wished they had known when they started. She shares her training with her husband the pastor of the church.

Rebecca is willing to mentor and help with local ordinations for people in her region.

Sabrina Hayes
Last Name
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

To help raise up Christian Leaders for Revival in Georgia

Ministry Journey

Sabrina Hayes is married to her husband Christopher since the late 1990s. They have three beautiful girls.

She has walked with the Lord for most of her life and also has felt the call into ministry.

Our family life centers around entrepreneurship and ministry. She is the founder of a retreat-based women's ministry called Sanctuary Girl.

Sabrina started CLI in 2017 and became ordained with the Christian Leaders Alliance that year.

Sabrina is willing to mentor other Christian Leaders Institute graduates with their ministry training and their ordination process through the Christian Leaders Alliance.

Sandy Colon
Last Name
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

Sandy dream is to help bring restoration to as many people God places in her life. But she is especially drawn to working with abused and battered women. She would like to one day have a place where they can come to get away from the abuse.

Ministry Journey

Sandy came to the Lord in the early 1980's at age 14. She was invited to a Christian church and that night She accepted God's calling.

Sandy is the mother of one daughter and grandmother of two girls and two boys. Her husband is also in ministry.

Sandy started to attended Christian Leaders Institute in 2014. She has completed over 70 credit hours of ministry training.

Sandy is willing to encourage Christian Leaders Institute graduates in her area and help them with their ordination process.

Tanya Thompson
Last Name
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

To raise up leaders in the greater Nashville area for revival!

Ministry Journey

Tanya Thompson is a Christian, single mother of one 18-year-old daughter. She has been actively involved in Christian Ministry since the age of 12. She is the author of a Christian Women's Self Help book. Her passion is Children and Women's Ministry. She has seven years of Women's Ministry Leadership including Sunday School Teacher, Bible Study Leader, and Missionettes Full Gospel Fellowship Instructor. She is a Licensed Practical Nurse and an Entrepreneur.

She is a survivor of Spousal Abuse/Domestic Violence. She has also had the honor of speaking at several Local Churches for Women's Conferences.

She was called to ministry. She began CLI in 2016 and was ordained in 2017. She is willing to mentor Christian Leaders Institute students in their ministry training and through ordination with the Christian Leaders alliance.
