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Jerold Terry
Last Name
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

Bring revival to his community to plant Christianity into the Austin area.

Ministry Journey

Jerold Terry (JT) grew up in Southeast Asia (Laos, Thailand and Sri Lanka), the eldest son of Southern Baptist Missionaries. He is married to his wonderful wife, Alma. He has an undergraduate degree in Psychology, a graduate degree in Education, and a post master's degree in Leadership (Ed.S.). He serves on the leadership team at his church and is excited to be a part of an ARC church plant in Austin, Texas.

JT has appreciated the ministry training at the Christian Leader Institute. It will allow him to revisit and renew his formal training.

JT holds a Bachelor of Divinity degree through Christian Leaders Institute and is ordained as a commissioned minister. He is willing to mentor represent Christian Leaders Alliance with ordination.

Michael and Michelle Menees
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

Michael and Michelle Meness have a passion to plant a church in the Bulter, PA area. They are passionate about raising up other Christian Leaders. They are open to starting a mentor center in their area.

Ministry Journey

Twenty-three years Michael began to walk with the Lord. He finally surrendered and invited Him into his life to help him overcome his addiction to drugs and alcohol. He was a lost soul searching for meaning in his life and Jesus Christ step in and has given him purpose. Twenty-Five years ago, Michelle was also delivered from achohol adiction.

Michael and Michelle have been called to minister to their community. Both have extensive training at Christian Leaders Institute. Both have been ordained as Deacon Ministers. In addition attaining the roles of Officiant Minister for Michael and Women's Minister for Michelle.

Michael and Michael have three sons. They welcome other CLI students and graduates to connect.
