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Are you called to ministry? Christian Leaders Institute delivers you generosity-driven formal ministry education.  Your ordination credentials are documented at maintained here at the Christian Leaders Alliance.

Christians, church leaders, and government officials can check out our international directory or our official’s page.

Christian Leaders Alliance Ordination Directory maintains a current list of ordained ministers. These ministers have been ordained as deacon ministers and their ministerial role status.  If someone is found in this directory, they are deemed in good standing at the time of their ordination.

This Global ordination directory is also a tool for local churches, pastors, and individuals to confirm the ordination of a local Christian leader. Search and find the name of the individual you are looking for.

If you know of someone in the Christian Leaders Alliance Ordination Directory who is no longer living a life in accord with an ordained minister, please contact rsullivan@christianleaders.net.

Ordained Leaders Stories

Becoming Ordained in Ohio

Becoming Ordained in Ohio - Deb Rhoads

Becoming Ordained in Ohio Hi! I'm Deb Rhoads. I am becoming ordained in Ohio - USA.  I grew up in church and was saved when I was nine. Through the years my faith has been shaken several times by some tough life circumstances. I have learned…
CLI Deacon Ordination

CLI Deacon Ordination

CLI Deacon Ordination My name is Krystal and I am excited about this CLI Deacon Ordination. I'm a post vocational student with medical retirement from the military. I have goals in the area of social entrepreneurship and a continuation of global…

Pastor Rudi Ferreira

Gospel Addicts Global Church was founded in 2014 by Pastor Rudi Ferreira; from Durban, South Africa. Running a virtual church for the last 4+ years, we have reached many souls globally in more than 80 countries within the first year of operation.…

Dean Dudding Deacon Minister

My name is Dean Dudding. I live in northern Indiana in the United States of America. The Deacon Ministry Ordination will assist my ministry journey as the first step to an expanded role in service to the Lord and His church. While new ministry…
United Kingdom Ordination Story

United Kingdom Ordination Story

United Kingdom Ordination Story I am Gerhard Struckmann and I am sharing my United Kingdom Ordination story. I was born and raised in a traditional Christian household in South Africa. I spent seven years in the army and lost my way a bit.…
Free Women Ordination Study

Free Women Ordination Study - My Sister's Keeper

Free Women Ordination Study Christian Leaders Alliance works closely with Christian Leaders Institute to offer a free women ordination study. This free women ordination study offers over 180 college credits of ministry training classes. Twyla…

Connecticut Ordination - ARLINE PETTWAY

Connecticut Ordination My name is Arlene Pettway, (Arline, legally - long story). I am 49 years old. I was born and raised in Bridgeport, Connecticut, where I still reside with my husband, (Richard) and 2 children, (Amanda and Jordan), 21 and…

Officiant Ordination Story

Hello, my name is Joshua Morris. I am 36 years old and I live in Atlanta, GA. I have been married to my amazing wife for fourteen years and together we are raising our four wonderful children. I work for a company called Chick-fil-A in the Restaurant…
Church Planting Ordination