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Are you called to ministry? Christian Leaders Institute delivers you generosity-driven formal ministry education.  Your ordination credentials are documented at maintained here at the Christian Leaders Alliance.

Christians, church leaders, and government officials can check out our international directory or our official’s page.

Christian Leaders Alliance Ordination Directory maintains a current list of ordained ministers. These ministers have been ordained as deacon ministers and their ministerial role status.  If someone is found in this directory, they are deemed in good standing at the time of their ordination.

This Global ordination directory is also a tool for local churches, pastors, and individuals to confirm the ordination of a local Christian leader. Search and find the name of the individual you are looking for.

If you know of someone in the Christian Leaders Alliance Ordination Directory who is no longer living a life in accord with an ordained minister, please contact rsullivan@christianleaders.net.

Ordained Leaders Stories

Deacon Minister Ordination

Deacon Minister Ordination

My name is Douglas Drake. I live in San Diego, California. My wife Brenda and I celebrated our 30th wedding anniversary in March of 2017. We have two children, a son and a daughter, and one granddaughter. I retired from active duty in the U.S.…
Deacon Ordination

Deacon Ordination Story

My name is Gillian Cain, though I am known to everyone as Gill. I am 57 years old and I am enthusiastic about deacon ordination. I am a qualified social worker who has spent the past 15 years working in Mental Health services. I have worked…
House Church Minister Ordination

House Church Minister Ordination

My name is Esihle Mboyana. I was born on the 11th of August in 1988 in Umtata, and I grew up in Cape Town. I come from a very spiritual family, particularly my mother who raised me as a single parent, with help from the Lord. Growing up from…
Ministry Life Ordination

Ministry Life Ordination

My name is David Ruhman and I live in the central United States with my wife and five children. I grew up in the church as my dad was a pastor in the Presbyterian Church for over 45 years. Church has always been in my DNA, the DNA of our family,…
Evangelistic Women Ministry Ordination

Evangelistic Women Ministry Ordination

My name is Elizma. I am 58 years old and I am from Vanderbijlpark, South Africa. Since 2001, I started enrolling for different kind of ministries at colleges and institutes to achieve my dream of evangelistic women ministry ordination. First,…
Prison Ministry Ordination

Prison Ministry Ordination

I have grown up in the church all my life and since I was little always felt a call to be a preacher not realizing that one day I would be seeking prison ministry ordination. The church was a way of life for us and if the doors were open we…
Ordained Evangelist Minister

Ordained Evangelist Minister - Footprints Around the World

I am Judy Haskin-Harris, the Executive Director of Footprints Around the World, Inc. in Los Angeles, Ca. We feed the homeless community of South L.A., distribute Thanksgiving boxes to needy families, and also give toys to children at Christmas.…
Closer Ministry Walk

Closer Ministry Walk With The Lord

Closer Ministry Walk I spent my entire young life in Washington, DC, my family introduced my siblings and me to the Lord by taking us to Bible school weekly and they also read from the Bible that was kept at our house. This built a strong foundation…
Small Group Leader

Small Group Leader

My name is Nick Campo and I am a 60-year-old retired Law Enforcement officer. After serving over 24 years in law enforcement, as far back to my teenage years, I have always felt a calling to serve God, however never knew where to begin. I have…