Christian Leaders Alliance Clergy Order

 Ordained Clergy Minister: Definition

The Ordained Clergy Minister role derives from two Greek words:

  • Tasso: Meaning “leadership structure,” it was a military term that also signifies “ordain” or “appoint to office or leadership role” in its verbal form.
  • Kathistami: Meaning “to ordain, commission, or designate.”

These terms reflect the intentional organization of leadership within the early church, as illustrated in Acts 6:1-8. This passage reveals how the early church expanded its leadership capacity as the number of disciples grew. Here, we see distinct groups of Christian leaders:

Leadership Groups in Acts 6:1-8

  1. Christian Leaders
    • The term “disciples” in this context refers to influencers tasked with sharing Christianity.
    • These Christian leaders are passionate followers of Christ, dedicated to influencing others to follow Him.
  2. Apostle Ministers
    • The founders of the early church network, known as the Apostle Ministers, played a foundational role.
    • At the Christian Leaders Alliance, these leaders are referred to as Global Ministers.
  3. Elder/Mature Ministers
    • This group likely included mature leaders such as Barnabas and former priests who embraced the faith (Acts 6:7).
    • While not explicitly titled, they were responsible for appointing new leaders, including the Deacon Ministers.
  4. Deacon Ministers
    • Acts 6 introduces this new group of leaders, appointed to expand the ministry’s capacity.
    • Seven Deacon Ministers, including Stephen (noted as “full of faith and power”), were selected and ordained.
    • This group represents ordained clergy in the stream of the Deacon Minister.
    • The Officiant is considered a deacon minister deployed in specific roles.

Early Church Leadership Structure

The early church structure involved intentional leadership development and recognition:

  • Global Ministers: The apostles who initiated the leadership framework.
  • Elder Ministers: Mature Christians who guided and appointed others.
  • Deacon Ministers: Mobilized leaders who expanded the church’s ministry capacity.

This structure played a vital role in launching Christianity as a global movement.

Leadership Ingredients for Clergy

The early church leadership model emphasized specific qualities and preparation for leaders:

  1. Walk with God
    • Leaders maintain a daily relationship with God, seeking His will for their lives.
  2. Calling
    • A clear conviction from the Holy Spirit to pursue a specific ministry.
  3. Training
    • Leaders pursue ministry education through classes and mentorship to equip them for their calling.
  4. Spiritual Gifts
    • Leaders identify and utilize their spiritual gifts in alignment with their ministry roles.
  5. Commended and Commissioned
    • Leaders receive confirmation of their calling and gifts from mentors, church leaders, family, and their community.
  6. Outreach Focus
    • Leaders exhibit a mentality of outreach and are recognized for their dedication to sharing the Gospel.

Defining Licensing and Ordaining Clergy

The Christian Leaders Alliance defines the licensing and ordaining of clergy as:

“The global recognition and connection of called, trained, mentored, and commended local Christian leaders into ministerial roles.”

These leaders are equipped with spiritual gifts and are passionate about spreading vital Christianity worldwide. The CLA clergy structure ensures that licensed and ordained leaders are prepared to serve with excellence, integrity, and a commitment to expanding the Kingdom of God.

This structure continues the legacy of the early church, aligning modern Christian leadership with the principles established in Scripture.

Christian Leaders Alliance Clergy Structure: Deacon, Elder, and Global Ministers

Deacon Minister: The Foundational Ordination

The Deacon Minister ordination serves as the foundational level of recognition within the Christian Leaders Alliance (CLA). It represents the starting point for individuals entering formal ministry roles, emphasizing a life of service and dedication. This role reflects the biblical example found in Acts 6:1-8, where the early church appointed seven deacons to meet growing ministry needs.

  • Stephen, described as “full of faith and power,” and Philip, were among the first deacons selected to expand the church’s capacity.
  • This foundational ordination equips ministers to serve faithfully in their communities and potentially grow into more advanced leadership roles.

Elder Ministers

The Greek word “presbuteros” translates as “elder” or “mature.” Elder Ministers represent mature Christian leaders with deeper knowledge of Scripture and a solid walk with God. This role builds on the Deacon Minister ordination and prepares leaders for greater responsibilities, such as pastoral care and church leadership.

Biblical Example:

  • In Titus 1:5, Paul instructed Titus to appoint elders in every town, selecting them from mature Christian leaders who were well-respected and grounded in their faith.
  • Elder Ministers may serve as senior pastors or other advanced leadership roles within the church.

Historically, Elder Ministers were primarily men. However, CLA recognizes that God calls both gifted men and women to serve in this capacity, depending on their local context.

Global Ministers

The Global Minister ordination represents the highest leadership role within the CLA, reflecting the apostolic mission of expanding Christianity. The Greek word “episcopate” (translated as “overseer” or “bishop”) captures the essence of this role: to inspect, lead, and build networks of Christian leaders.

Biblical Foundations:

  • At Jesus’s ascension, He commanded His disciples to make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:18-20).
  • Early apostles like Peter, Paul, and Priscilla exemplified the role of a Global Minister by planting churches, mentoring leaders, and spreading the Gospel.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Building networks of leaders, ministries, and churches.
  • Recruiting and appointing new leaders, as seen in Acts 6:3, where the apostles directed the selection of deacons.
  • Expanding the Kingdom of God through leadership, motivation, and encouragement.

While early church traditions often reserved the apostolic role for men, there were exceptions. For instance:

  • Priscilla, alongside her husband Aquila, served as a key leader in the early church. Mentioned first in several New Testament passages, Priscilla likely held significant ministry authority, teaching leaders like Apollos and planting house churches (Acts 18:24-26, Romans 16:3).

Biblical and Historical Examples of Women in Leadership

The Bible provides examples of women in leadership roles, showing God’s willingness to use His redeemed image-bearers in various capacities:

  • Deborah: A prophetess and judge who led Israel during a critical time (Judges 4:4).
  • Priscilla: A leader in the early church who taught and mentored emerging leaders like Apollos.
  • Phoebe: A deacon mentioned by Paul in Romans 16:1, recognized for her service to the church.

Purpose of These Roles

The overarching goal of these ordinations is to equip leaders to raise up more disciples for Christ and spread the Gospel globally. The Christian Leaders Alliance embraces the biblical model of leadership, emphasizing the importance of calling, training, and mentorship.

Inclusivity at Christian Leaders Alliance

The CLA is committed to recognizing the calling of both men and women to serve as Deacon, Elder, and Global Ministers. This approach reflects God’s work through His people in the early church and today. By supporting diverse leadership, the CLA continues to fulfill its mission of advancing Christianity worldwide.