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Christian Leaders Alliance Minister Directory

The Christian Leaders Alliance Minister Directory includes all those licensed or ordained leaders who have completed minister training at Christian Leaders Institute and have completed the licensed or ordination program at the Christian Leaders Alliance. Included in this list is the certification for life coach ministers.
The Minister program includes:
- Free ministry training
- A credentialing process including local recommendations
- Posting to the CLI Clergy Directory
Minister recognition packages can be ordered if needed or desired.
Government Officials or Other Inquirers: If someone is in this directory, they are licensed or ordained clergy in good standing. Recognition packages are available for the ordained clergy member. The recognition packages confirm their credentials and clergy good standing with official documents.
We recognize that 1 Timothy 3:7 says that leaders must also “have a good reputation with outsiders.” If you know of actions of anyone on this Alliance Clergy Directory who is called into question in their doctrine or life, contact helpdesk@christianleaders.net and let us know.
Christian Leaders Alliance Clergy Directory
The Christian Leaders Alliance has been licensing and ordaining clergy locally since 2014. The goal is to include volunteer and part-time clergy, not just career clergy in this credentialing process. This process comprises rigorous ministry training and the gathering of local recommendations. The posting on this directory provides a digital credential.
Christian Leaders Alliance is guided by a church order structure and board of Network Ministers who oversee the clergy credentialing process.