Are you called to explore becoming a recognized member of the clergy? Christian Leaders has two tracks. One track is based on a Core Role program, where you can add specializations. The other program is more traditional, and we call it the Classic Ordained Clergy program.
This page is about the Classic Ordain Clergy roles.
Christian Leaders Alliance partners with Christian Leaders Institute, a worldwide provider of free ministry training courses. Christian Leaders Institute offers over 200 credit hours of high-quality ministry training.
This ministry training is recognized by the Christian Leaders Alliance for license or ordination clergy recognized status and inclusion in the Christian Leaders Alliance Directory.
This Clergy Program is a ministry training and recommendations-based process that gives you credibility to function as a licensed or ordained officiant or minister through the Christian Leaders Alliance.
Classic Ordained Clergy Roles
Christian Leaders Alliance Ordained Clergy Minister roles:
- Officiant Minister
- Associate Chaplain Minister
- Associate Minister
- Commissioned Minister
- Chaplain Minister
- Minister of the Word