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Amos Langa
First Name
Amos Langa
Last Name
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

To raise up revival leaders!

Ministry Journey

Amos Langa enrolled in CLI in 2018 and since then has completed 70 credit hours.


Here is his testimony in his own words:

As long ago as I can remember, I always believe in God. I consider myself a man of integrity and I try to do the right things in dealing with others. I work hard, and I pray harder. I believe that if I did enough of the right things and work harder, surely I will enter the kingdom of God. I had a great life. Every time I achieve a goal I expect that achievement to be followed by satisfaction and happiness. I enjoy the praise and the appearance of success.

One day when I was a young boy, out of the blue my mother said to me “you know, you are a very influential young man”. I wanted to be a man of influence. As my mother spoke that day, I knew that the influence and success I am going to have is not going to be enough. I understood that I was a sinner and could never pay the price of being good enough to please God. The only thing that really mattered was Jesus, the Son of man and his death on the cross.

I knew that I needed to be saved to accept Jesus and that his work was sufficient to assure me of God’s love for me and a place in Heaven. I realized it was not enough to just know about Jesus. I needed to know Him personally. I  accepted Jesus Christ and placed all my faith in Him and His work on the Cross and I was baptized. I will always be grateful to my mother for that.

After I accepted Jesus Christ as my savior, I came to know what it means to be satisfied. I looked at things from a different angle. I was no longer empty, I was filled with a sense of purpose that was bigger than the moment. I become hungry to know what the Bible said about being the right kind of man, the right model of a father, and God’s guidelines for life. My outward life may not have changed much, because I had tried to be a moral person.

However, on the inside, there was a huge difference. For the first time, I knew contentment. I am amazed by God’s grace and forgiveness, as he continues to show me what He considers success and how to live in the only life that satisfies, a life that is covered by the blood of Jesus Christ.


Amos is ready to serve CLI students and help them on their ministry journey!