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Sharon Cope
Last Name
Type of Minister
Ministry Journey

Her Dad was a pastor until his health began to fade in his eighties and went to be with God. She has been a Christian from a very young age. She learned a lot as a child under my parents teachings. She retired now from working in several different areas including caring for the elderly, grocery store clerk, cleaning and ironing for families, babysitting and lastly 15 years working as a Medicare biller for Home Health Care.

She has worked with children ministries at church. She has taught Adults in Sunday School. She has even done some preaching on occasion. At present she has a Local Ministers License through her Church which requires her to seek training. Her desire is to learn more of Gods Word and equip herself to better help young woman to grow deeper in their relationships with God. She has been working closely with 2 young woman for about 3 years and have seen slow but awesome results in their walk with God.

Sharon Cope is ordained with the CLI as a Officiant Minister! She says "The thought of bringing Christian couples together in marriage, seeing the happiness and love and joy in their faces as they commit to each other in the bonds of Holy Matrimony, Uniting together with Jesus Christ as the center of their marriage is an indescribable joy."

Sugar B. Wright
Last Name
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

Help people launch into a living relationshp with Jesus Christ. Sugar B. Has a internet radio program where she seeks to help young people.

Ministry Journey

Sugar B. was born October, 1958. Her parents being of different denominations (Catholic and Baptist), raised her brother and her in the Catholic Faith. When she turned 16 years old she went from the Catholic Faith to become a Baptist. She enjoyed the singing in baptist church and the preacher giving the sermon. As time went she was baptized. She started feeling the need to do more with her life and to find out more about God and His Son Jesus Christ.

She became a New York, NY police officer. She lost her connect to church until 2009 when the Lord used her son and some God-inspired circumstance to prompt her. After being baptized in December, the calling for ministry developed in Sugar B.

She began studying at Christian Leaders Institute in 2017 and has excelled in her studies. He continues to do an internet radio show called Sunday Fellowship Praise. People can assess the "Wright Ways Radio” app onto their devices phone, IPad, tablets and computer....

She is willing to mentor or assist others in the New York, NY area in pursuing their ministry dream which may or may not include ordination.
