Displaying listings from Africa → South Africa.

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Shane Bryant
Last Name
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

Shane seeks to raise up revival leaders to complete their preparation for ministry in the region where he lives. He is passionate about mentoring future Christian Leaders.

Ministry Journey

Shane Bryant is happily married to the love of his life; Jillian Bryant - his support and ministering partner. He has two wonderful sons - Judah and Christian - who are very supportive of the ministry. Shane lives in a smallish town called Ladysmith, in the Midlands of the province of Kwa-Zulu Natal, South Africa.

Shane joined Christian Leaders Institute in 2015 and has enjoyed the training. He completed his Bachelors of Divinity degree and pastors Christian Leaders Church, a church that he planted in Ladysmith. Shane is interested in creating a local center of mentoring and helping others to plant churches. He is willing and ready for Christian Leaders Institute students to be encouraged in their studies. Shane will also assist in ordination matters.

Siyabonga Mjwara
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

To help bring more revival to South Africa

Ministry Journey

Siyabonga Mjwara grew up in a dysfunctional family and his parents divorced when he was 12. His mother was a Christian and tried to instill the church doctrine to him, but he did not attend church. When he was a boy, he had a vision where he saw Jacob’s ladder. At the age of 15, He left home and joined the military.

After the military, he was lost which included armed robbery, theft, fraud, voodoo, etc. His health failed. In 2013, he met a man who God used to bring him salvation.

Now Siyabonga glorifies God with the days God is giving him. He began Christian Leaders Institute in 2016 and was ordained in 2017. He will be willing to mentor Christain Leaders Institute students and graduates in their training and ordination.

Thabo Mbuyane
Last Name
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

His dream is to minister all over the world and winning souls for the Kingdom of God

Ministry Journey

Thabo Valco Mbuyane a born again child of God with one wife with two kids a boy and a girl. He currently, work as a Quality Assurance Officer for the company called Legal Exec.
His grandmother took him to Sunday school and in 1997 He accepted Christ as his personal Lord and Savior. He grew in faith and realized that God called him to minister in 2003.

Thabo began Christian Leaders Institute in 2014. He was ordained in the Christian Leaders Alliance in that same year. He is willing to mentor other Christian Leaders Institute students and graduates in their training or through the ordination process.
